Day 4 Brissac-Quince to St Loup Sur Thouet 72miles

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Europe » France » Pays-de-la-Loire
May 13th 2014
Published: May 14th 2014
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Better breakfast today even had cereal on the menu ate plenty knowing what was ahead.

First 20miles flat easy cycling along the banks of the Loire with its beautiful scenery and lovely villages with houses built of creamy white stone. Loire a Velo Is the name of an official 800km route that follows the upper reaches of the river from Cuffy,in the department of Cher ,to St-Brevin-les-Pins in Loire Atlantique .

The next 30 miles for us consisted of long straight roads edged with huge fields of barley & wide horizons enabling us to see the approaching thunder storms. Another bus shelter for 30 mins !

The relationship between sacrum & saddle seems to be going well with no need to apply medication as yet but still three quarters of ride left to do !

The last 9miles was tough for me but we had been in the saddle for 6.5hrs.

Arrived at our Chamre d,hote ( the keep of a Chateau) to be welcomed by Comte Charles Henri the owner who spoke perfect English.

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14th May 2014

Keep going
Liked the look of your overnight stay. Weather will improve. How far are you cycling? Take care xx
15th May 2014

You inspiring pair ! Hope you are having some good weather. What an amazing thing to do ,well done and happy cycling .lots of love from us all at Gillan xxxx

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