I love ferries

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Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Calais
June 4th 2006
Published: June 20th 2006
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After a comfy night sleep we woke up around 8.30am and packed our bags. Seeing as Dover is pretty small we walked to the Ferry port. It wasn't as short as a walk as I estimated, but it was a gorgeous walk nonetheless. We stopped at the beach so my friend Mark could collect a dirt sample for his friend who collects dirt from different countries. So we get to the ferry terminal and I head first to SeaFrance. The next sailing is in an hour and costs 12quid. Hmm, so I head over to P&O Ferries, 4quid and the bus to the ferry is leaving in 2 minutes, sold! Now, coming from British Columbia, I have been on BC Ferries many many times and love the new refurbished ones, this ferry was like a cruise ship in comparison. There's a bar, restaurant, endless lounges, cafeteria, it's just huge. There wasn't much to see during the voyage except when we departed, seeing Dover's white cliffs and tidbits of the castle as well as the city of Dover and approaching ships. Mark and I were pretty damn hungry even after a pretty decent breakfast at the hostel (bangers and mash) and despite the ridiculous price of 6 quid for just a meat pie and fries we caved in. The meat pie tasted really weird and the fries were fries. We exchanged what was left of our british pounds into euros on the ferry as there was no commission charge. So we arrive at Calais and walk through the terminal...no immigration whatsover! I guess they just don't give a sh*t haha. We had to wait for the bus that goes to the train station, but met a couple of girls from england who were headed to Paris also so we chatted up. One of them knew French ok so we tagged along. After buying our train tickets we walked a little bit around Calais then headed on the train. I learned how to play poker during the train ride which was 2 hours long with one transfer, went by fast though. Arriving at Paris we bought 10 single metro tickets (best deal if staying under 3 days) for like 8 or 9 euros. We headed straight for our hotel at Wagram Station. It took forever to find our hotel, as the streets are friggin confusing to navigate through. Checked in, elevator was smallest I've ever seen, our 2 twin beds were put right beside each other, made me laugh. Decent nonetheless. Went out that night for dinner. Ended up on Montparnasse Blvd I think (memory is fading writing this haha) at a crepe cafe. I had an Americano Panani, freaking awesome for 3.5€. Headed back to hotel and slept damn good.


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