St Malo to Nice

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Europe » France » Brittany
September 6th 2019
Published: September 6th 2019
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46 miles

Breakfast was from the self service bar so quite basic and no where near as good as on P&O ferries. (We decided if we did this trip again we would dine in Portsmouth before getting on the ferry). It was 9.00ish when we left the ferry and set off on a grey slightly damp day. We found a super market first to buy provisions for lunch and a yoghurt each. The start point was on the promenade just outside the walls of the old town. As we set off we briefly saw the Font National, a former prison out in the sea, and the small rocky islet of the Grand Be. The route headed east close to the coast, around St Malo Bay, for about two thirds of the journey. Seafood restaurants and shops lined the road as well as fruit and vegetables stalls with onions and garlic being prolific. At 11.00 we found picnic benches for yoghurt and nuts and lunch was in Vilde la Marine sat on a bench outside the church. The added bonus was toilets! Churches are usually good for benches and in more recent years many have toilets have as well. (Public toilets can be very difficult to find). We didn't hang around too long as it tried raining again and it was quite cool. At St Broladre we realised we were going to be too early to get in the B&B so we took a division to see Mont St-Michel, a Benedictine Abbey built on a rocky outcrop in the sea. Very imposing. As we still had time to spare we a coffee and croissant sat outside a boulangerie in the sunshine. On arriving at Pontorson we wandered round till 5.00 when we could get in the B&B. The B&B was very nice but we had problems connecting to the Internet which was very frustrating.

Today is the last day we will see the sea until we get to Nice.

Pontorson gets its name from 'pont' French for Bridge and Orson who was commissioned to build the bridge by William the Conquerer's father.


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