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Europe » Denmark
April 7th 2009
Published: April 7th 2009
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Hello from Denmark.

We arrived safely via Helsinki. Like our first day in Beijing, the weather in Copenhagen was absolutely freezing. We had to break out the beanies and gloves.

The cost of things here is very high. We have decided to not to think about it too much. A beer costs about $20.

On Sunday we did a bus trip around Copenhagen. We decided to do this because we would have frozen if we had walked around. We saw the litle mermaid which is a famous sight in Copenhagen. We also saw the changing of the guard which is a smaller version of what happens at Buckingham Palace. Interestingly, the guards have live ammunition in their rifles and are elite troops from Afghanistan. No one messes with them!

Things have gone well at the conference. I did one presentation yesterday and I have another one tomorrow. It has been a great opportunity to make contacts in the academic world.

Peter is running around taking in the sights of Copenhagen. He has walked miles and mlies so he is very happy. We think it will counteract all the food we ate in China!

We have been to Sweden but it as accidental. Unfortunately we caught the wrong train from the airport and ended up in Sweden. We spent all of 5 minutes there and turned around and caught the next train back to Denmark. It was hilarious!

I hope all is well with you. We are having a great time.

Sandy and pj


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