Eastern Europe - Days 36 - Teplice

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Europe » Czech Republic
June 7th 2009
Published: June 9th 2009
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Well our dinner the other night was interesting. But probably the most interesting thing that happened was the club that we went out to afterwards. This club was out in the suburbs somewhat and was decorated in the most amazing manner (check out the photos). However the bad thing about the club was the fact that my camera got stolen. Right out of my handbag. I even saw the guy doing it. However I was just a second or two too slow to stop it from happening. It was amazing, the guy literally just bolted. However luckily for me I had downloaded all of my photos for the day onto my laptop before we went to the club, so I really only lost a few photos of the club, which I have since replenished with photos from Susan. Therefore yesterday my task for the day in Prague was to go and purchase and new camera. And I now have a lovely new Cannon Ixus, which seems to be taking much better photos than the old camera did.

Today we left Prague and headed off on 4 trains and a bus to Teplice, which is a tiny little town on the border of the Czech Republic and Poland. There really isn't all that much to do in the tiny little village that we are staying in and our only activity yesterday was to go on a walk in the national park to see some of the rock formations. The park was truely lovely, however it did start to rain as we were walking in the park so we all got a little wet. What looked totally classic however was the fact that most of us pulled out umbrellas and then continued hiking through the forest holding umbrellas, which made it look as though we were walking down a city street, instead of through a forest.

Tomorrow we leave the Czech Republic for good and head into Poland towards Krakow.

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