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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
July 20th 2008
Published: August 9th 2008
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On the way to Prague we stopped at Terrazin Concentration Camp, it was a very rushed tour but really good, much better than Sachenhausen.

Arrived in Prague at 5pm. After having some dinner at the hostel restaruant I used the internet, then went to bed early as the hostel is a little way out of the actual city centre, so will have to go exploring tomorrow. Plan to go out early so I can see a few things before going on the walking tour at 12.30pm.


I walked around the old city this morning, and went into some of the churches and just had a wander around the city. It is so beautiful, I really like Prague. Found my way to the meeting point for the walking tour of the city, met Layton, who I had met in Berlin while waiting for the bus to arrive, and his friends and some others who were also on Busabout. At lunch and after the tour we all went to a beer garden for a beer, ever I had one and it was huge and delicious. The walking tour was really good, saw so much of the city and learnt alot about it too. All up today I saw 7 weddings in the market place near the astronomical clock tower, and it is a Friday. After the beer we walked back to the hostel stopping off at a bottle shop to get supplies of vodka and some mixers, we didn't get enough mixers, opps. After dinner we went to the common room and sat around talking and drinking for a few hours after this we got ready to go out cubbing. First we stopped at a club that the interior is all decorated with car parts and engines that are moving - a little disappointed so we headed into the city to the 5 story discotech. We all had an awesome time dancing and drinking getting home at around 4am. I love the Charles Bridge at night it was so beautiful. After arriving home at 4am, we were then woken at 5am by the fire alarm going off adn being told over the loud speaker to evacutate, only problem was it was in Czech and it took us a while to figure out what was going on, it turned out to be a false alarm, a guy had decided to spray his mate with the fire extinguisher, not happy.


After getting very little sleep, got up and went into the city for another look around and some shopping. Met up with a couple of the girls who were doing the pub crawl and the boys and I decided to join them. When we got there it was terrible, so we bailed on it and did our own thing. Had another awesome night drinking and laughing, I got a real education that night from the boys, they are hilarious. At around 3am we were wandering the streets of Prague eating hotdogs and MacDonalds, the chips we had were the saltest chips I have ever had. I didn't go to sleep, just stayed awake laying in bed as my bus to Vienna was at 8am.

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