Day 37 - Prague, Czech Republic

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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
May 2nd 2008
Published: May 10th 2008
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 Video Playlist:

1: The Astronomical Clock 64 secs
Morning: Woke up abit later today and ate breakfast at the communal kitchen, lots of buzz around and by the time we started eating, most of them were out already at 11am. We planned to visit the Prague castle today but the hostel staffs said today is a holiday so she's not sure whether it's opened so we changed our plans to go walk around Stare Mesto, the main square near to our hostel.

Afternoon: We decided to walk there cos it's jus one stop from our hostel, Prague's weather is really very unpredictable, one minute it was sunshine, the nex u see dark clouds zooming in and it's raining. We reached the start of the Wencaslas Square and walked down the long street, detoured right to take a look at the Powder Tower and the Municipal House. Then walked right into the most crowded area, the Staromestke Nam, the main square. Everywhere it's tour groups and lots of people's heads bobbing around you can't really see the sights. We have a strong feeling this is what we are going to face everyday we are here in Prague and I'm already dreading it. Maybe we've been thru too many beautiful towers and churches so looking around the square at the Tyn Church, the St Nicholas Church and the Old Town Hall doesn't really fascinate me that much as everybody says it's amazing to be in Prague. Ya sounding abit jaded prob cos the people here didnt really help much also to make Prague a pleasant stay. We are completely on our own without a couchsurfing host and we truly understand why we didn't enjoy Prague now. It's the host that matters and if they are great, we feel great there w special memories attached to the place. So now I regretted planning so many days to stay here and wants to get it over with. We wandered around the square and noticed at one corner there's this huge crowd of people staring up the wall and waiting for something to happen. Then we realised it's the astronomical clock and it's 5 minutes to 1pm. So we joined the crowd and waited for the clock to sound and it did and everybody was amazed by the clock which is amusing by itself. When the rooster crowed, everyone laughed and clapped...tourists...*rolled eyes* ha i'm one of them too! We visited the 2 churches and walked on to the Jewish Quarters. Hoping it would be less crowded, but no, it was filled to the brim w tour groups again and we decided not to go into the synagogues at all in the end cos we won't be able to enjoy it anyway.

Night: We went to the Vltava River and sat down to have a rest and some food before we moved on to walk back to our hostel. We decided to stop by the supermarket and buy some food to bring back as dinner and what a shock we had when we opened our hostel room door. Everything in the room is changed and our belongings are gone! Even WY's bag which she locked at the heater stand is also gone. We quickly went down to the reception and demanded to know where's our belongings. The guy jus nonchalantly said that they changed our rooms. We were so pissed and angry abt them not telling us anything abt this, we knew the guy is jus going to give us lots of excuses like they couldn't contact us (they have our contact numbers cos they called us once), they tried to inform us this morning but we left (we only left at 12pm) we quickly went to the new room and check if we have any missing things. What's lucky was WY left her laptop in the room and when they changed the room they didnt notice it cos she hid it well so she didn't lose it. But what i lost was 2 sets of keys to my bags which I can't rem where i put it so that was not a big thing. We let the matter rest and went to have our dinner while swearing at everything that happened here. Can't wait to leave this place!

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