year in Prague

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October 17th 2007
Published: October 17th 2007
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Jawaharlal Nehru, a political leader in India, once said “Time is not measures by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves.” I totally agree Mr. Jawaharlal. This month marks my one year anniversary in the Czech Republic.

I am undone! I can’t believe that one year ago I landed in the Czech Republic - alone. I didn’t know a single person here, I didn’t know the language. Heck, you could fill a whole suitcase with the things I didn’t know a year ago. Present perfect? No clue. How to speak Czech? You must be joking. You want me to find my way through the winding streets of Old Town? I don’t think so.

Now look at me! It has been a mere 365 days and I am rocking Prague. I graduated TEFL Worldwide Prague and I am a teacher now! Cool! I know the present perfect, Present simple and even present perfect continuous! I can speak enough Czech to get by. I would be able to speak more if I wasn’t so lazy. But hey, one thing at a time. I have traveled to Budapest, Geneva, Germany and in and around the Czech Republic. When I lived in America the farthest I went was Los Angeles from San Francisco. The culture here is definitely more relaxed and supportive of adventure and travel. Where my weekends used to be predictable and a little dull, my weekends now are always fun and a little crazy! I love it here.

I have also met some pretty cool people. I am proud to say that I am still friends with the people I met during my 4 weeks at TEFL. I actually live in the same building as most of them! We have become a very close knit group - a little family. We cook a Turkey on Thanksgiving and eat Chinese food at Christmas, just like at home. I have met a bunch of other Americans as well. There is no shortage of expat’s here in Prague. It’s funny, being far away from home in a place where no one speaks your language, you find yourself really opening up to people. I meet more new people in Prague in a month than in one year in America. I have some Czech friends, some British friends and yes - even some American friends.

So, my year has been amazing. I have succeeded in living in another country. I have succeeded in living without television for an entire year. I have succeeded in changing careers, challenging myself and having more fun than I ever thought possible. Yeah, I rock - like Bon Jovi.


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