Very sneaky

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Europe » Czech Republic » Prague
June 8th 2005
Published: June 8th 2005
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Hey all, I've been in Prague the past week. My first night here sucked, however. My daypack with my passport, credit cards, money, camera, and pretty much everything else vital to travel was stolen while I slept at the hostel. Other than that, Prague's been great. Very affordable, fortunately. The castle here is kinda like Versailles, but with a big huge gothic cathedral in the middle of it. The Jewish quarter of the town is really interesting too. The cemetery there has about 100,000 people buried in it. The Jewish community didn't have permission to start another graveyard for the longest time, so they kept burying people on top of each other. Apparently, there's 12 layers of bodies there. There's definitely a million and one tombstones. Anyways, I'm off to Vienna tomorrow, hopefully to continue my trip in a more positive way. Unfortunately, the 3 hour slideshow of pictures will have to be cut short due to lack of material. Yeah, yeah, i know you are all disappointed. Don't worry, I took a walking tour of Prague the other day, and got a CD with a 30 min filmed tour of the city and about 200 pictures. Ha ha ha......just when you thought you were safe.


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