I could get used to a catamaran

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Europe » Croatia
August 6th 2007
Published: August 19th 2007
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We went into the cute town for breakfast because Piera doesn’t like Nescafe. I don’t blame her, as we had espressos, pastries, and some sun. There was a fish market with cold fresh dead fish and calamari on a clean white marble U-shaped counter inside an old building without refrigerators. Only a sign with the symbol of a fish indicated the business inside the building. We bought sea bass and eight calamari. There was also a fresh market, but with nothing special.
We got back on the boat. Sailed and I slept. I slept all day long. I couldn’t help it either, I’ve lost all track of time, my only schedule is when we eat, or are moving. We all move about the boat, interacting or making our own entertainment. I like reading and writing, but find myself rocked to sleep submission easily by the motion of the boat. I like watching the boys chase each other around the sail. Clod and Ricki are beautiful children. Understandably, their parents are both beautiful, loving people. Its a beautiful experience so far. And the sleep is great. I’m working my way out of sleep debt into sleep credit, says David.
This is a true vacation, like none I’ve ever had before, and its so beautiful! The islands are desert mediterranean with lime green tree tops and pines, olive trees, cacti, brown desert soil, and grey and white sea rocks. The sea is BLUE, like I’ve never seen before; a color I’ve only made with my acrylics. Clear and salty with fish and white capped waves. the net up front offers a nice view of the passing aquamarine below.


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