Listening to some Croatian death metal in the cafe

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Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split
September 16th 2005
Published: September 16th 2005
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First beach we swum at in Croatia.
Dobry dan!
I am in Croatia at the moment. I've been here for a little over a week and have nothing but good things to say about this country. Adam and I have this fantastic apartment on the 6th floor of this ancient building. It's in the heart of Diocletan(roman emperor in AD 235) palace. It's a quirky little place with horse shoes, old family pics, wooden roses and bhuddas hanging from the walls. The best things about it is that it has this awesome little balcony which we cook on and if you climb on top of the roof you can sit there and enjoy a beer whilst looking over the whole town with church bells seemingly always ringing. We arrived from Zadar two days ago, the three hour drive down the coast was superb. Getting off the bus was interesting, we were literally acosted by a mob of 8 to 12 people all holding pictures of their respective apartments shouting at you to stay with them. We ended up going with this slightly loopy lady with a moustache but her place was rubbish so we went back and went with this equally dodgy looking fella. He took us to

City of Split and harbor, going hiking in those hills down to the beaches on the other side today.
our place and showed us the balcony, then proceeded to point to this guy without a shirt on sitting on a window sill a hundred meters away. He told us that it was a cheap tatoo parlor and that if he mentioned his name 'Beppo' we would get special service, whatever that means. So Adam and I went yesterday and got matching tatoos saying EUROPE 2005, YEA! Looks really cool, all different colours. Looks a bit like a rainbow. We've been hanging out with a good deal of Aussies, funny people. I like their travel mentality which is to always push hard and go big. Went to this incredible club two nights ago called Equador. A big U shaped open balcony right over the ocean. Kind of made me wish Adam was a girl, very romantic. Ended up meeting these two girls there that turned out to be lesbians. Yuup. Adam is actually on a bus as I speak back to Zadar right now which is 4 hours north. Managed to leave his passport, air tickets and eurail passes there. Brilliant. I ve been fishing quite a bit, caught a couple of small fish. Met these four croatian guys on
Snorting vodkaSnorting vodkaSnorting vodka

Seemed like a good idea at the time.
this one peer. Told me about the war and their sentiment towards serbs. A lot of bitterness. They all said that things were actually a lot better financially when it was still Yugoslavia. I found that interesting. We are going to a soccer match here in Split tomorrow at 430, they are playing there rivals. Should be fun. On Monday we start our scuba course on the island of Brac. I ve been in contact with this guy Matej who sounds like a good chap. Can't wait for that. All the Germans walking around europe in their ridiculously short jean shorts, vests and gold chains make Adam and I look like fashion gurus from the ranks of the Armani Emporium in our shorts, t shirts and slops. We ve stopped talking in German accents to each other and now try our hand at the slavic. Fricken hard this stuff. Watched Cindirella man on the big screen last night, great flick. Film previews are an American thing, if it says 20 45, it means it starts at 20 45.
I am about to go hiking through the mountains down to the beaches now. Take it easy.

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New shoesNew shoes
New shoes

My new Sammy inspired, croatian flag colours shoes! They make me run fast.

17th September 2005

poor spelling.
First off, it's SWAM not SWUM. I don't believe the word SWUM exists in the English language. But that's just English. Secondly, PIER. Say it with me now P-I-E-R. Damnnit I miss making fun of you. And laughing with you. And talking with you. And kissing with you. And... do these comment things have a length limit? Hm. I'll opt for an email. You look fantastic. The shoes are amazing. And I do enjoy the caption. You mentioned my name! I'm famous. I love you Llody.
20th September 2005 dear
Hello crazy one, snorting vodka is your new hobby eh?? haha, but thats what I love about you, willing to try everything!! God, I'm so jealous, I love beautiful beaches, lets go skinny dipping...opps..shhhh..haha...okiedokie, enjoy the scenery for me, cuz I can't, stuck here in my lil cubical..darn!!! TATA--RJ
26th September 2005

That's a BRAVE little comment there.
10th October 2005

how little has changed... God you make me laugh! cool shoes man. Sam must be an awesome chick. Catch you on the flipside dude

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