Cersei move over Queen Dee has arrived

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Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik
April 23rd 2016
Published: April 25th 2016
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April 23, 2016 - Today was our last day in Dubrovnic. It poured all day but that did not stop us. First on the agenda was a Game of Thrones (GOT) tour. It was excellent. Even my sister who has not seen the series or read the books was quite impressed, enough to start watching. We visited all the sites used to film some of the scenes (they only started filming in Dubrovnic in season 2 - King's landing was filmed elsewhere in season one). From the fort to the parc to the wall surrounding the city and the streets of old town, the narrow streets were the royal family was attacked and of course Blackwater Bay. The guide had photos to remind us of the scenes. It is quite amazing how it is done. A lot of the backgrounds were added after. We finished the tour in a souvenir shop that has a replica of the Iron Throne, so we had our picture taken (hence, the title of the blog). Along the way our guide also added a few tid bits of the local history. After the tour and lunch, the guys left us to go back to the hotel for their nap. J, L and I walked on the city wall until it started thundering. All in all it was quite a nice day. I am a few days late posting this blog because I was looking for photos of scenes from GOT to add to the blog along with my pictures. Note my photos might not have been taken at the angle as scene.

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26th April 2016

Ermagherd! So cool!!!
Love all the GOT location shots. Crazy cool. Croatia is moving up higher on my "must see" list.
26th April 2016

Love the blog
Love the blog! Keep it coming. Everything looks awesome!

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