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Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik
August 26th 2007
Published: August 30th 2007
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We left Mostar with no place booked ahead as we boarded the bus to Dubronik. This was due to a combination of our general condition and also the lack of internet places we could find in Mostar. We did however find a pharmacy (or Apoteka) in Mostar so we were starting to feel a bit better.

Despite this bus trip being longer, it was not so bad as the last one. We met a couple of Australians on this bus who had relatives both in Bosnia and Croatia and they told us about some of the things we could look forward to in Croatia.

When we got off the bus we finally gave in and accepted an apartment from one of the many accommodation spruikers who bombard you when you get off the bus with signs saying "rooms, sobe, aparmani, zimmer". Most signs have a little map on the back which shows you where the places are and some even have pictures. The person who we accepted a room from took us over to her husband who drove us to the place. (She went back to get more tourists as she had multiple spare rooms.)

The place was quite close to the old town, but it was up a big hill, with many steps to climb along narrow passageways to get back their from the old town. The old town of Dubrovnik is very impressive and is completely encircled by a wall which you are able to walk around overlooking the town. The old town is right next to the coast line and you can get some very impressive views from the wall.

Right next to the old town is a beach and we were very happy to see this given the heat and our slowly improving condition. Needless to say we spent a lot of our time in Dubrovnik in the water at the beach! The water at the Dubrovnik beach is very clear and despite the beach being quite small, there were a lot of people there. Whilst swimming, Kerrie got a small jab in the leg. After realising it wasn't Ross she discovered that she must have been bitten by a fish as it left teeth marks! She seemed to be OK though!

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