Day 18: Zadar

Published: August 22nd 2017
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I departed the hostel at 7:40 am. A little later that should have. Beating the hell out of the Polo was pretty fun. Sometimes it's really fun to drive a slow car as fast as you can. It was a five speed. It took about 1 hour 40 minutes to get up there. I didn't know that there were rolls on the route. It was 26 kunas each way. I arrived at 9:15 am. I didn't not leave early enough. There was already a huge line. I ended up having wait an hour and forty minutes to buy a ticket to get it. Living in BC I've been spoiled. It's not that the park and water falls weren't beautiful, but there's a lot of this kind of stuff in BC. I haven't seen nearly as much stuff as some people. Nevertheless, I actually found the park to be a little underwhelming. There are roads less than 15m from the hiking paths and the was a restaurant in the middle of the park. To get to something like this in BC, one would probably have to hike two to three hours, and it'd be completely secluded. I was there for about five hours and had a very reasonably priced grilled trout meal before I left. I missed the hour mark by two minutes and had to pay an additional hour for parking. Dammit! I stopped off at the grocery store and picked up my dirty clothes so I could do laundry when I walked back from dropping the car off. I gassed up putting the minimal amount in to make the gauge read full. These next two hours of my life I'll never get back. I returned the car and the piece of shit who gave the car to me the night before was blaming me for new damage. He said there was new damage in the same area just above the old damage on the LF corner. It was fresh, but I know I saw it the day before when walking around the car. Long story short is I didn't relent, because I know that damage was there before. He kept asking me “what would you do if you were me?” I kept saying/thinking I should have taken a picture of any damages. The other guy there was trying to play good cop and say to pay the compromised amount and you we can forget about it. The POS was getting angry because he didn't like my initial reaction. I was willing to call the police to file a hit and run, because I know I didn't do anything. Then it hit me. I actually did take a picture of the car. Not of the damage, but from the front on the left side. There was just enough detail is see the paint marks that he said were new. The time stamp was about 30 minutes after I took possession of the car. I said, “do you think I withheld this picture for almost two hours on purpose to get out of damage I cause?!” Eventually he back pedalled and said, “I don't care anymore. Just go.” They he gave me some shit about how I was all about money and I didn't want to pay. Actually, there was no way I was paying because I didn't do shit. Fuck you. As soon as I'm outside the window where he can charge my credit card, I'm lighting his ass up on any review site I can. What he tried to do was not right and people like that need to be held accountable. Something needs to be said to protect others from people like that. The rest of the night I spent brooding, eating disappointing cevapi (uncased sausage meat), and doing laundry. Honestly, it put a sour note on my time in Croatia. It was time to get out. As I was packing at 10:30 pm I was shooting the shit with an Italian in my room. After telling him I was into cars, went to the Nürburgring and a couple of museums and was going to Italy to maybe see the Ferrari factory, he told me he actually works there! He was a really nice guy and told me he'd actually send one of his work shirts to me when gets home because he gets some many from the company. Unfortunately, when I was packing a fragile gift broke after it tumbled from a height of five inches out of my suitcase. I'm actually surprised it didn't break sooner. A bus down to Split and a short flight to Rome awaits me.


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