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July 1st 2007
Published: July 1st 2007
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We are on the last day of our relaxing weekend in the beautiful town of rama. It is the only place that I have ever been that lives up to my expectations of beauty and paradise! I will post pictures once I get home.
Well Friday we had our camp in Gradacac (GRAH-DAH-CHATZ) and there were over 300 kids there! Fantastic right??? We split the story group into two and had two stories going on simultaneously... it worked out really well. One of my group members, Shay, led the story. She was really nervous but ended up doing wonderfully! I could not be prouder. The camp went AMAZINGLY smooth. Lunch didn't get messed up and the rotations went really well. We really could not have wished for anything more.
My first group of kids was pretty good. They participated and seemed to be having alot of fun . The second group was SO ROWDY! They were shouting and moving around... but at least they were fun, because my third group was almost silent! They were so quiet, it got to the end and no one wanted to answer any questions and I had to prod people to help me with being the animals. It was really tough. I realized that I would wrather have a rowdy group than a boring group any day. My last group was really great! They participated and were loud when I asked them to be and tried to answer questions and played well. It was a great end to the day.
After camp we began our journey to Rama. We were all tired and ready for a relaxing weekend. We thought it was going to take 7 hours like last year and that we wouldn't arrive until after 10:00 but we ended up making it there around 8;30!!!! It was awesome! We had a little dance party and everything.
Yesterday we got to relax and do all kinds of things... my day went thus:
8;00 wake up for breakfast
8:30 Breakfast
9:00 Nap
9:45 Wakeup for meeting
10:00 Color group meeting
11:30 back to my room to freshen up
12:30 Lunch
*Swimming in the lake
*It started to rain so we ran to the cafe to have some ice cream and watch the thunderstorm
*Thunderstorm picked up so we went up to our room and had a kickin dance party!!!!!
*Back to the cafe
*I did some laundry and read for a little while
6:30 Dinner/color group meeting
7:15 Tour of the grounds
*Devotional service
*Hanging out for the rest of the night
*Fall asleep
*Get woken up by Jasmin and Lauren... there is now a price on Jasmin's head b/c he poured water on eric...

So now we are repacking the busses and getting ready for everything. Not too much interesting stuff happened but it has been LOVELY relaxing... I love it so much here. Honestly, I am not looking forward to Sipovo. I am terrified of getting sick. I have decided I shant be showering there... so I will be showering right before we leave here. Oh well... more adventures!!!

See you when I get to the internet cafe in Kozarac!!! Love you all!

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


1st July 2007

Did you get sick in Sipovo last year? How long are you going to be there without showering? I love you, don't get sick!
3rd July 2007

Miss you !
hey love! sounds like you're having so much fun. actually this is the first time i've read this haha, but yeah i just wanted to say i miss you, and i'm glad ur having such a great time .<3
7th July 2007

I actually didn't go to Sipovo last year... but other people did and some got sick... but I did not this year! Whoo hoo! But I did have a decent fall... my knee is nice and bruised to prove it!

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