Crunk Juice

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October 13th 2006
Published: October 13th 2006
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Wine LandWine LandWine Land

This is the vineyard we worked at, in part of the Weinviertel (wine quarter)- a district in the Nahe von Wien.
So, Eric and I sprang upon the once in the rare opportunity to serve as cheap immigrant labor on a farm, harvesting grapes for the wine. As I have probably mentioned, the drink in Austria is actually wine. And they seem to like their own wine more than anyone else's. At any rate, we went to this farm run by Tony and his wife Elfi where they let us cut grapes for them for a day, and in return we got many many many too many grapes, and grape juices, and mosts, and sturms and wines.

Also, we should pour out some of that wine and remember Alia and Sandra, for they selflessly enabled us to go.

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Wine is stored in these. It also grows on trees.

This is the way we cut the grapes, cut the grapes, earlay in the morning!

Frame by nature.
die traubenmaschinedie traubenmaschine
die traubenmaschine

Its a press, with a tank, it holds 2500 l of liquid, and we filled it with 2000 l of grape juice, which will become 1800 l of wine. get crunkt get crunkt get crunkt.

We got lots of breaks because we picked grapes faster than the press could press them. As a result, they kept feeding us the raw pressed juice, which was litteraly like grapes that you dont have to take seeds out of or chew.
Ridin dirty!Ridin dirty!
Ridin dirty!

Daniel's rollin' and swangin'
They fed us too.They fed us too.
They fed us too.

Goulasch and wurst and semmeln and tea and coffee and sturm and wine. Never ending meal!
Tony showing off the wine cellarTony showing off the wine cellar
Tony showing off the wine cellar

Pictures didnt really work out down here, but it was a big old cellar and some wine in it. Think of that - wine in a basement.
Tony and ITony and I
Tony and I

He was such a sweet guy.

13th October 2006

Thanks Matt. You didn't have to flatter/compliment me. But since you did, I will gladly take it ;) lol. Thanks so much again for bringing me that wine. It looks like you guys had fun and the pictures are priceless. Eric should put the one w/ the frame in a memory book or something. It's kind of a special moment.
15th October 2006

Continue to enjoy and explore
Matt, We are so glad you are doing this blog. The pictures are great and the commentary is memorable. Hello to Eric from us.
27th October 2006

what is sturm
You guys look like you having so much fun. The street lingo ascribed to your photos makes me laugh so hard. keep it up.

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