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August 31st 2006
Published: September 12th 2006
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The picture that I'm putting with this entry is of the "Rathaus" which is the city hall of Vienna.
Tomorrow night this guy named Dan (what is it with me and Dans?) and his roommates and I are going to the Rathaus for an opera shown on a big screen. And it's free, which is lieblich. Two nights ago it was really nice, and there was an outdoor market by it, so we ordered strawberry juice with real strawberry chunks in it, and watched part of Don Giovanni. Being the boring person who had lots of German homework, I left early and got lost on the way home but that was alright. The U-Bahn is my new best friend, for sure.
So where was I going with that? I guess the whole "opera on the screen" thing is only going till Sunday, so I'd like to go again tomorrow night and maybe Sunday or something. It's sad because slowly the outdoor activities are dwindeling and eventually everything will be inside. But that's alright, I'm sure Vienna's nice in the snow too 😊

Tonight I'm getting together with some of my Deutsch classmates to study for some big test tomorrow. Then we'll play Apples to Apples, because the apartment we're going to came equipped with a bookshelf filled with books plus a couple games, I guess, so that's fun.

Post-audition day is seeming a lot better than yesterday. I think as long as I'm in some sort of chamber group it's all good. The main thing here is German right now, so that's what I should be focusing on anyway. I might audition on flute ... but those auditions are in an hour and a half, so um, I guess I'd better decide whether or not to do it pretty soon...

I'm going to try and set up a photo gallery to show all the places that pertain to me, like my dorm room, etc. I won't put up too many pictures that can already be found on Google images 1000 times 😊


12th September 2006

Hi back
Hi Alia, the city architecture looks gorgeous. The dorm room looks like...a dorm room. We play Apples to Apples too--Andrea got it for her birthday. Too bad the commute isn't shorter so the two of you could play it in the same group. Is yours in German? Hope your flute audition went well if you did it. Love from all 5 of us.
14th September 2006

Ooh, you and Andrea would be some of the most fun people ever to play Apples to Apples with. Sometimes it's fun to play it correctly, but other times it's fun to be as completely ironic as possible and come up with the weirdest ones :) Speaking of Andrea's birthday, I was really sad I couldn't send her a birthday message. There was some reason, I can't remember, but I did remember that it was her birthday. I plan on getting her something small from the Czech Republic because of Uncle Alan's ties there, etc. Anyway, I didn't do the flute audition after all, but I think that after having seen how intense this music workshop thing is, violin will be more than enough. Talk to you soon. I hope all is well there. love, Alia
7th October 2006

Hi! I just won my second to last volley ball game and i'm a soldier in the nutcracker. Have you been knitting? I haven't . Rathuas looks SO cool at night!
9th October 2006

You sound busy! That's amazing, I hope you win the last game too. Volleyball is one of my favorite sports ever, so it must run in our family ;) That's so cool you are in Nutcracker again. You'll make a great soldier - if your dad takes pictures, please send me some! Knitting? No :( I know, it's so sad. We both need to start up again! love Alia

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