g'day mate

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Europe » Austria » Vienna » Vienna
May 10th 2008
Published: May 11th 2008
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Lets throw another shrimp on the barbie. wait im in austria. sort of a stop over on the way to budapest. i got to have some vienna sauage, and relly good chocolate cake. i saw the sights on an impromtu journey. i just went out for breakfast so i didnt bring my camera and took the metro to city centre. i had a really nice breakfast and on the way home, met avery nice local and ended up talking to her for awhile. by the time i realized i missed my stop, i was right near the parliment building and the main theatre. so i walked around awhile and took some mental pictures. the hostel was nice. i met a really nice girl from north carolina had a few half litres and made a lot of new friends. moatzarc's pub on the corner had a mix of folks from all over the world and i learned a english drinking game called zoomy zoomy. all in all it was a nice city full of rude people. next budapest

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24th May 2008

The Fur Coat...
i gotta say that was a damn good purchase!

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