Austin's entry

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Europe » Austria » Salzburg » Zell am See
March 5th 2008
Published: March 5th 2008
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This Austin and this is my entry. my entry isn't going to be corny like my brother Connor's. He wrote his corny because he is a suck up and does is to try to impress my mom or be funny but he's not. Nobody likes a suck up.
I am very exited to go to Austria. I have never been outside the continent of North America before except for when i went to Mexico. I think that isn't in North America. Isn't Mexico in Central America or is it in North America? what ever anyway i am exited to go but we aren't going doing a school break so when I come back i will have a lot of homework to make up. I HATE HOMEWORK!!!!!! going Austria is probably worth all of the homework so i guess i am okay with it. We aren't just going to Austria we are going to Germany and Switzerland too. So far we have just started to part of vacationing i hate most, packing.
My mom is an English and reading teacher for college so when we go on this trip it will be like going on a field trip to school not a vacation because the whole time we are there we will be learning the history of world war II. We will also be skiing a lot too.
My mom used to live in Germany for four years so she is making us listen to German tapes. At first i thought "cool i will be able to speak another language. I love to learn how speak different languages, but when i realized that each tape was 25-30 minutes long and there are 30 tapes when I got to tape nine I got sick of sitting there bored for 30 minutes listening to German when I could be doing something more fun. I mean listening to German wouldn't be so bad if we listened to it in the car or something when we have nothing better to do, but when we are at home i would much rather play than have to listen to boring German tapes.
now that I have been negative about the trip it's time to be positive. I am soooooo excited to go because for a boy who lives in the U.S.A. going to Europe is a one in a life time chance! just think about all the cool stuff there will be there. I mean how many kids in the U.S.A. get to go to Europe! Europe is on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. I can't wait! i hear that in Germany that kids are allowed to drink beer! I want to drink beer, but my mom won't let me. She says that "even though it is legal for you to drink beer in Germany it is not legal for you to drink beer in the U.S.A. and your from the U.S.A. so i am not going to let you drink beer."
I am getting bored of typing and my hands are starting to hurt so i guess this is good bye.


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