Last day in Salzburg ... shopping!

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December 19th 2008
Published: December 20th 2008
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Our last day in Salzburg... the locals all seem to think a week is far too long to stay in such a small town, but we have enjoyed every moment of it and will be sad to leave. It was still snowy this morning, although raining a little bit as we were leaving our hotel to head into the town. We started by strolling up some side alleys to see what we stumbled across, and were rewarded by finding an excellent little antique shop that had a large collection of the little crystal christmas trees that we had been seeing everywhere. After that we wandered around a bit more and made a few small purchases, and then went on a mission to find some fabulous large lighted acrylic candles we had seen a couple of days before. And when we finally located them, we found the best christmas shop EVER!!! It had exactly what we were looking for, besides the candles they also had the handmade german music boxes and figurines etc. After spending up large, we needed some fortification and so decided to splash out to celebrate and went to lunch in the oldest restaurant in Salzburg (abd possibly in Austria, but i cant back that up cos i cant remember) which is attached to St Peters church. We had another lovely meal of schnityel, which was definitely the best so far (and i am becoming quite a conniseur, believe me) and those wonderful potatoes again. We then made a couple of other small purchases and stumbled home exhausted.


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