Blogs from Lower Austria, Austria, Europe - page 9


Europe » Austria » Lower Austria November 15th 2008

Breakfast was early on the day we rode out of Waidhofen. After we ate we made a quick detour to Opa’s house to say goodbye to him. We took some pictures and he photographed us riding away. We took the same route out as we took in. It was a bit hilly at first, but flattened out toward the Danube. It was cold. We stopped at a little bus shelter to throw on more layers. We rode past Ybbs, the town we stayed in before, and rode to a tiny little town called Diedersdorf. There were no rooms available there so we had to ride on to Krummnussbaum where we found a place. Tiny town + early sunset = lazy evening in the hotel room. We cooked some food, watched TV, and caught up on journal ... read more

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria November 13th 2008

Now that we’ve finished our five-day stay in Waidhofen an der Ybbs, we’ll offer you a glimpse into our marvellous visit! Sorry, there aren’t any juicy, thrilling details from such a quiet little town. But after a long week on the road, that isn’t such a bad thing. It’s hard not to feel relaxed in this beautiful town nestled in such a picturesque river valley. And the kindness and hospitality of the people here, especially Paul’s family, made us feel right at home. We fell right into a routine: breakfast with a smile from the kind lady at our hotel, then a warm delicious lunch cooked by Aunt Christa, then a day of sight seeing accompanied by a free guide (someone related to Paul). Our time here only made us want to visit again. So, here’s ... read more

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria October 11th 2008

..nur noch drei mal schlafen dann geht's los... zunehmende nervosität, halbgepackte taschen und panisch überprüfte packlisten haben hier das sagen. unser flug hebt um 23:20, dienstag nacht ab. geplante flugzeit 10h, in bangkok haben wir ein paar stunden aufenthalt, dann geht es gleich weiter nach chiang mai. dort sollten wir um ca. 21.30 (ortszeit) eintreffen. also wünscht uns glück, eine gute reise und starke nerven! ... read more

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria September 15th 2008

Well, my friends - this is the unexpected end of my blog from Europe. After my conversation with Karin last week, it was announced by Gerald on Saturday that they had already rented out my downstairs apartment to someone who would be moving in October 1. While this was quick and surprising, it was not entirely unwelcome, nor entirely shocking. I saw something like this coming and believe to the fullest that it is for the best. I survived a weekend of cleaning and packing and have just gotten off the phone with my travel agent who got me on the first flight out tomorrow - 6:35am, in fact. So, it would seem that I will be spending the night at the airport... which may actually be more comfortable than the couch that I have been ... read more

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria September 10th 2008

What a week it's been. It's honestly hard to believe that my last post was only just a week ago. It seems like much longer. Last weekend, I did take myself to Innsbruck. It was, as expected, a pleasant escape for a few days. And a funny thing happened! Well, I was instructed to stop in Vienna first to obtain everything necessary for my working permit. This meant going to the US Embassy which - trust me, in and of itself would have been a nice escape! Nothing like standing in a long, DMV-style line staring at George W. Bush's oh-so-charming headshot for an hour. Yum! Most of the people were standing in that line to register to vote... I wonder if the headshot altered their decisions any... Anyway, that being done, I then had a ... read more
Gute Fahrt!
St Stephens

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria September 3rd 2008

Welcome to another whimsical, wonderful weekly Wednesday whirlwind ritual of rambling. Speaking of whirlwinds, I understand that Gustav did not have the impact that was expected, and that is good news. Meanwhile, the political whirlwind roars on and provides delightful entertainment for the rest of the world… So what’s new with Jessi this week… frankly, not a whole lot. As I have told many of you, I’m finding myself doing a lot of sitting around as there is not really much for me TO do. Grace is so young, and mom is very possessive still (understandably so), leaving me to sit idly by and watch as she tries everything to comfort her when she gets to screaming, despite any offers to help. I can’t complain too much because in all reality, I’m getting paid to do ... read more
Gustav-Perger Weg
Over Baden
Old Ruins on a Hill

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria August 27th 2008

So! I’ve selected my travel destinations and have started booking hostels and whatnot. As I mentioned before, I will be going to Florence the last weekend of September. Then, next weekend (Sept 5-7) - drumroll please! - I did everything in my power to incorporate everyone’s suggestions which told me to go somewhere new, somewhere scenic, somewhere with an interesting city, etc. So, I selected Innsbruck. Innsbruck sounds like Breckenridge to me, honestly. It’s mostly a skiing town, but there is a very cute town-center with lots of churches and castles (which are two travel-musts for me), etc. There is also this Swarovski exhibition of some sort that I might check out… but all of the travel sites have reviews of this place that tell me not to waste my time with it. I think that ... read more
Shtocky Daisy!
Schwimmen Daisy

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria August 20th 2008

My friends, I've made a wretched discovery about Austria. I was SO pleased to learn, not long ago, that this nation is free of crickets - those devilish fiends of a hellish color with the evil capability of LEAPING... *shudder*... Yes, no crickets. But there is something equally as bad that branches just as deep into my psyche to traumatising moments in my childhood. Austria seems to be infested... with earwigs. Augh -- I hate them I hate them... And what's worse, I discovered this by means of two of these nasty creatures entering my private home not more than two nights ago. This means, yes, that the epic war of worlds between myself and the generals of the creepy-crawler regime does continue. I have finally mastered a defense against the giant mosquito-like moth THINGS that ... read more

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria August 15th 2008

In the morning we had a wander around the area before heading off again. We were travelling on minor roads which provide great scenery but can be very steep in places as you pass over the hills and through the valleys. Ferd worked at Hotel Hochschober at the ski resort area of Turracher Höhe on the border of Carinthia and Styria at 1800m. The last part of the road before we arrived had to be driven in first gear but Dobby, our faithful servant, kept his cool. We pulled up in front of this really flash hotel and, thanks to a previous text, Ferd came out to greet us and show us to his hotel-owned chalet where we had a couple of cold beers (Ferd had tea) before he left us to go back to work. ... read more
Turracher Hohe
Hotel Hochschober
Crystal Museum

Europe » Austria » Lower Austria August 14th 2008

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 8/12-8/14 We got on the bus early in the morning, and headed to Wiener Neustadt, a small town along the way to the alps. I fell asleep on the bus, so I missed the opportunity to stare out the window on the way there. We arrived in the town and were given about 45 minutes until we had to meet for a tour. Having not had breakfast, I was hungry. Shayna and I went off to a cafe to get coffee and something to eat. I have somehow figured out that 'mohn' means squished-up poppyseeds (I haven't yet seen them whole) so I got the bun with that prefix in the name. We ordered cappuccino, with our real objective being getting the largest cup of coffee available. We were watching the barista ... read more
Vienna 221
Vienna 223
Vienna 226

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