I'm your captain

Published: September 19th 2010
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Welll well ladies and gentlemen, I'm back.

I've been pretty MIA as far as this blog goes this week but alas I'm here to udate everyone.

The first order of business deals with MOHAWKS. Yes, it has become an epidemic among the SFS students. One of the girls is really into cutting/shaving hair so my bestie here, Mikenna, decided that she wanted one. She's rockin it and it seems completely crazy but she is extremely happy with her decision. The island men don't seem to hate it either, but as far as we can tell they don't really hate much of anything. One of the islanders, Money (we all hang out with him a lot so you'll be hearing many Money stories), has a friend who has decided he's in love with me. It's cute. He attempts to play volleyball with us all the time. Luckily he is maybe the only shy belonger and thus doesn't harrass me which is a complete relief.

There are a few ruggers on the program. Chase, a student, and one of the interns Mika (sp?). Chase agreed to let me rugby tackle him off our dock into the ocean. IT WAS AMAZING. It felt so good to tackle someone and get that agression out. The reaction of the other students was also enjoyable. Basically, they've all realized I can and will kick their asses if they step out of line. I consider myself to be the white girl version of Mr. T... No? alright, but you get my point.

I got a 98% on my test. Unfortunately I have another field ID test on Friday that involves 85 FISH!!! wow... I haven't even started memorizing them and well I'm just not sure if my brain has that much room. I am definitely not looking forward to it. However, we only have classes for 4 more weeks. Then the directed research begins and my life becomes even more about fun than it already is here.

I got to play the mom role last night. I'm not so big on taking care of drunk girls but someone has to do it. I'm just glad that everything is ok and Money's cousin gave us a ride home to make it all a little easier. The other students were extremely helpfull too. I'm so glad this trip isn't filled with 34 kids I can't stand.

On the bright side, we went to the hotel on the island last night and got to listen to this amazing Creole (haitian) band. They were incredible and so much better than the crunk rap that the bars put on the second we walk in. I appreciate their attmepts at pleasing us when we're out but seriously, I'd rather listen to the spanish/ reggaeton (sp?) music they originally had on.

I have yet to eat the Jamaican bbq that is available every friday and saturday. However I did walk past is last night so at least I know where it is.

On Saturdays we have community outreach which involves letting the local kids come into the center (it's usually gated) and we let them do arts and crafts, sports, and swimming lessons. We also have english lessons which is what I chose to do. We only had 2 students who luckily where haitian and spoke creole/french. It was so nice to use my French. It actually helped a lot, for instance, they had no idea what a bear was ( even with our lovely attempts to immitate and draw them) so I searched my littel mental dictionary and miraculously pulled out the french word for bear. I loved it, plus we got to stay in the class room that is air conditioned. If you haven't picked up on it yet, I really really hate being hot and sweaty so I spend as much time as possible in the computer room/ class room. It makes me happy.

I also went to the "fashion store" yesterday. It was hysterical, it was about the size of my bathroom at home and had some very interesting clothing options including denim jumpsuits. HOW THE HELL COULD YOU WEAR THAT IN THIS HEAT?! They're insane. They had some crazy jewelry too but I wasn't interested. Although the fleur de lis ring was really cute but would have definitely turned my finger green. Since I just got over the fear of getting gang green (sp?) in my toe I figured I'd just leave well enough alone. PS. My toe is healed. It makes life a lot easier.

I've already started to get really into island life. I'm not stressed or rushed in the slightest. I walk slower and see no need for hate or agression (other than rugby, thats just a way of life). I'm really learning about myself and realizing how much I think I needed this change. The pace and the energy just seem to be good for me. Even with my insane life right now, I feel so calm and peaceful. I'm tired of dealing with the negative. I really hope I'll come home and bring these ideals with me.

On a completely different note, sundays are the days when a team of students and staff are in charge of making our food instead of the lovely dominican women who usually cook for us. They made nachos and cinnamon rolls for brunch. It's like out of a dream. I totally make nachos and sugary things for lunch/ whenever at I'm home. I love that my brainwaves were alligning with someone else's.

Ok this is long. I'm really sorry for any spelling mistakes. I can't spell and they use internet explorer and well it just sucks and doesn't fix my spelling like every other good program.


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