Lazy days in Paradise

Published: March 29th 2005
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This will probably be the last entry from Panama. We leave on Thrusday 31st to head back for Costa Rica.

We have had some lovely days - trips out with Claudio, the owner of Hotel Angela where we are staying. We were supposed to do a trip on the Catamaran and had it booked for Monday. But when we arrived they told us the boat was booked out by a group of Outreach kids. So we were OK with than and re-arranged the trip for today (Tuesday). But this morning it was raining very heavily and when we got to the Catamaran office the girl told us the trip was cancelled. Well, needless to say we were a bit annoyed. We were asking for our deposit back and the girl got annoyed with us for being annoyed with her!! She told us she didn't give a sh*t that we were prepared to go out in the rain - apparently they have enough business and didn't need to be bothered apologising to us!! Anyway, the rain stopped less than an hour later and it is a lovely day now - but it was too late for us to arrange another tour.

But we rented kayaks for an hour and had a bit of fun paddling round and getting soaked!

Our next stop is Arenal in Costa Rica, so that is where you will hear from next.


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