What I Believe

Saved: November 2nd 2012
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So far in my travels, I have heard many different beliefs and views on religion, and all of this time I have just listened and gathered thoughts. Now I would like to share with you my personal beliefs and opinions. When the topic of religion comes up, I have noticed that everyone always asks "What religion are you?", "Oh your a Christian, what denomination are you?", "Your non-denominational, what is that?", "Don't you have to pick one of the types to follow?" I have thought about it and have come up with this; I personally believe that religion (all of these different types and denominations) a lot of times clouds up what is truly important and that is our personal relationship with God. So, I like to say I believe in having a "relationship" with God rather than a religion. One does not have to have "Religion" to have a relationship with our Creator. I know that might sound bad to some, and I'm not saying that religion is bad, but I believe that if you read the Bible and follow what God 's word tells you to do with your life, and you build a personal relationship with him, then that is what is important and that is what truly makes Him happy. A person asked me just a few weeks ago where it was I went to pray; a synagogue, church, where? I replied, "That is funny you ask, because I just finished praying that entire trip on the chicken bus." You don't have to be in a church, etc. to pray; it can be done anywhere, anytime, out loud, in your head, on your knees, whatever you please. That is between you and God; that is your personal relationship.

Many people have shared their opinions with me and I'm sure many have or will share them with you, but the only person I feel safe basing my decisions off of is God. That is why He gave us his Word (The Bible), so that we may read it and follow its teachings. He is the only one who knows everything, so don't base your life on other peoples knowledge, but rather form your own conclusions from his Word. I have heard some people question "How can you even be sure that there is a God and that the Bible is truly his Word?" and I say to them now that I can not show them proof but only tell them to have faith. For centuries, Scientists, Archeologists, Writers, etc. have tried to prove that God does not exist and that the Bible is just fact and fiction mixed together, but all they have been able to do is find proof that it is true. Writers such as C.S. Lewis and Lee Strobel were once Atheists set out to prove God didn't exist, but soon after much research and digging they became some of the most influential Christian writers to date. Just think about this for a moment. What if you lived your whole life believing and giving praise to God and at the moment you died you found out that He really didn't exist, what would it really have hurt. At the same time, what if in the end God really did exist and you were true to your faith; then you would spend eternal life in Heaven with your Savior. But, the flipside to this is what if you didn't believe; the consequences are unimaginable. I like this example except that you can't just believe that there is a God, the Bible says that one must believe that his son (Jesus) died on the cross and resurrected from the dead three days later in order to cleanse all of our sins. Jesus says in John 14:6 -

I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.

and also in John 11:25-26 Jesus says

I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even though he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die.

. There are so many other verses that I would like you to read and think about, but this would be the longest journal entry of all time so just read Romans 10:9-13 and I'll be happy. In the past few years I have read some really great books (if you are interested I can send you their names) and have listened to some very influential people speak and now I am reading my way through the Bible. The more and more I learn, the more I am confident in what I believe.

While working in San Juan La Laguna, some of the firefighters there were asking me about the wealth of the people in the U.S. and how nice it must be to have a lot of money. I told them that money is not what is important in life, but what truly matters is their family, friends, and their relationship with God. I am aware that I have never experienced the poverty that they live in everyday, but I tried to explain to them that money doesn't fulfill a person's life nor make them content for long. This made me think and reminded me that so many people in this world believe money is the answer, the most important thing in their life and this is just what the Devil wants. Yes, I do believe without a doubt that the Devil exists and that he is hard at work in our world. Satan has planted a seed and his roots of evil are spreading everywhere and it is evident if you just open your eyes and look around, turn on the T.V., or click through the internet. This world is in serious trouble and many will be lost, but I tell you this; there is a happy ending if you just accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

As for the message I heard Monday night at the Bible study, I would like to share with you what I learned. What I took from the message was that God sees something in all of us that we can not see. He knows exactly what our plan is and what potentials we have buried within us. Many people never use that full potential; they never realize that God has a bigger plan for their lives, if they would just trust in him. To overcome the fear of the unknown, one must rely on faith and God's guidance. Many doors will be shut in your face and you will not always succeed, but later you will realize that it was not the correct path for you. For if you stay strong in your faith, that plan that God has for your life you will soon discover and it will be well worth all it took to get there. The scripture of Proverbs 3:5-6 sums this up best

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all of your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

A lot of you who have known me from way back in High School or College probably can't believe that these words are coming out of my mouth. I know I have not always been the greatest role model and definitely not the best Christian, but I am trying. No one in this world is perfect and every Christian is going to struggle along the way; I promise you that. Everyone has their faults and fall backs, but that is just human nature. Just know that God loves you more than you can possibly imagine. Some of you are probably asking yourself, why am I writing all of this deep stuff in one of my entries; well it is my journal. I had been thinking in the past about how I could talk to people about what I believe without making them feel uncomfortable. Well, it dawned on me; I have everyone's attention now and there is no pressure. Through this entry, I am not saying that I know a lot more than other people; far from it. I just wanted to share what I am learning because I feel it is very important. I tell you all this because I care about you all very much. As for the people I have just met in my travels and those of you that just happened to click on my site; all I ask is that you just think about what I have said and maybe take a look for yourself. What is it going to hurt?

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Comments only available on published blogs

25th March 2006

Man, i live in Guatemala, and this contradictory country makes one really think about many things (i dont know if you understand, my english is bad), its really nice that people like you behave like a friend and i am sure the people of this country you have met, as we say, you will allways welcomed in our humble home, be safe, feel in your house, enjoy you stay....
27th March 2006

Keep searching and you will find....
Jeremy, thanks for sharing your heart. The first sentence in James 4:8 tells us to draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Notice that you first draw to Him and He draws to you. YOU MOVE FIRST. Personally, I've tried this..........He is faithful to His word and He is right there waiting for you. Be encouraged. I'm excited for your adventure and praying for your continued growth toward your personal relationship with the Lord. Bendiciones, Jackie
28th March 2006

You are making people stronger!
Jeremy, that was such an amazing testimony to us. I felt myself getting stronger just reading your journal. You are so right that we have to read and get our own knowledge, not just go to church to be taught. Thank you for reminding me how important my Bible is. I can't wait for Chloe to grow up knowing you. Be safe!!

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