Oh the lago...

Published: January 5th 2009
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Things have been great here on the lake...we took the ferry across to Panajachel for the day 2 days ago and walked around. There are some very neat little trinkets and things. Mom, I got you a new bracelet, haha.
Yesterday, our friends and us rented kayaks and we went to San Marco to go swimming, across the lake. It was beautiful. We pulled up on some rocks and just dove in! Wow! Beautiful sunshine and water...it was just perfect.
Then we spent the afternoon at one of the restaurants on the dock playing cards and having a good laugh.
Last night we went out for happy hour for 2 for 1 mojitos...they were amazing! I dont normally like mojitos but these were delicious.
We´ve been playing lots of cards and darts. Mom, you´ll have to tell Tom I´m getting into the darts haha. By the end of the night last night, I was rockin!

We´re leaving today for Coban...our next stop before Lanquin/Semuc Champey where I plan to spend my birthday. Our friend Max from Germany is coming with us (we leave in about 40mins) but Josh from California still doesnt know what he´s doing haha. He just walked by the internet cafe and said he´s still unsure...so we may see him on the bus. Otherwise, he and his brother abn¡¡nd girlfriend are coming tomorrow.

I miss you all and wish everyone was here to experience this. There are no words to describe how great these places are...its just unreal.

I´ll try to post some pictures again soon however I dont know how widely available the internet is where we´re going.
Have a drink for me on my birthday - January 8th baby! A whole year older...

Love Ashley May.


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