Caras Alegres

Published: August 13th 2010
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Caras Alegres means happy faces in Spanish, and it is the name of the after school program that I have been working with this week. I am so thankful that I was able to get plugged in so quickly. It is located in a section of Xela called Las Rosas, near a very poor barrio. There is a free school for these kids called Edelac on the premises that is sponsored by a non-profit hiking company in Xela. Hopefully I will be able to get involved with Edelac as well during my time here because it is all the same kids as the ones that come to Caras Alegres. Also, housed at this location is La Guardaria, which is a daycare for the working parents. It is a really neat set-up, although they are all funded by different private sources. They also offer classes for the mothers of the children on basic reading, writing, and math. I hope to get to know the families of those attending these programs. Today, I talked to the social worker of Caras Alegres, and she invivted me to begin visiting the families of the children with her next week. I am SO excited for
For sammy..For sammy..For sammy..

one of the many sleeping dogs in el parque central
this opportunity.

This weekend, there is going to be a volunteer fair in the central park with some of the non-profits who need help in the area. I can't imagine a more perfect timing for this. I am praying that God leads me as I learn about these organizations. This weekend, I am also going to go to church with Carlitos, the 4-year-old living here and his mother, Julie. At dinner, we had a chance to talk for the first time, and I am excited to get to know them better.

There are two other Americans living here. They are teachers at the InterAmerica School, which is a Christian international school. We were talking tonight about the public education in Xela. Some schools have classes with 40-50 students and one teacher. I don't know if it is possible, but I would love to volunteer at one of these schools.

My prayer right now is that I will begin to develop some solid relationships in Xela. I am excited about this opportunity to meet more of God's people and experience more of the Guatemalan culture! Such a blessing!

I am also feeling blessed because I just skyped mom, dad, sam, chris, and of course, Alex. I'm so thankful for them and for technology!

Thanks for praying for me! Thanks also for all the encouragement-it is such a comfort to me.

LOve and prayers,

"In all things, God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Additional photos below
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Sunset from the terraceSunset from the terrace
Sunset from the terrace

It didn't rain this afternoon, so there was a little sunset action!

13th August 2010

El pero????perro?? I can't remember dog in espanol
The dogs literally lie in the middle of the grass of the park? hhahahaha. Awesome. I always feel so sad for those lil dogs but they become great beggers! Love you! tu casa looks sooo cute! :)
13th August 2010

oh yeah and Carlitos is freakin adorable
13th August 2010

Steffi, I love reading these blogs! It looks like you're off to a great start. I'd love to skype with ou sometime if you want. Whats your skype name? Have. good week and hopefully you'll find some cool opportunities at the volunteer fair
14th August 2010

Steffi, What a wonderful experience! I'm so jealous. I can't wait to merge with CO Airlines now. I will def be checking out Guatemala once we do. I'm so proud of you. Please be safe and have the time of your life.
16th August 2010

love you !!
16th August 2010

Wow steffi, this is amazing. It really is God's timing on you going there last week. Im really excited to hear about the non-prof fair. I am praying for you and the kids in the barrio/lugares que vas a ayudar. Te extrano mi amiga, y estoy orando por ti cada dia. Mucho amor
18th August 2010

Just read your blog and sounds quite exciting - a lot of things seem to be falling into place - God picked out the perfect spot for you! You are in our prayers daily.
23rd August 2010

Thanks Betty- that means so much to me! I appreciate all your love and encouragement. I couldn't be hear without the support from home!
23rd August 2010

i couldn't be HERE:) not hear

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