A sneak peak at Sarahs new artwork!

Published: October 12th 2007
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Hard at WorkHard at WorkHard at Work

My little table studio in Guatemala.

I thought that it was about time to send out an art update from here in Guatemala. As we were getting ready to move, many people expressed to me their excitement in seeing how living in a different country and culture would impact my artwork. And I do have to say that I have been working on some art that is very different from my oil and mixed media paintings! As we packed to move here, I had to figure out how to condense from a studio to a bag. Strangly enough, I think that this process was the biggest thing that has inspired me so far. My normal stlye of painting calls for many materials that are not easily transported or easy to use, so I knew that I needed to come up with something new.

So, I filled my art bag with watercolors, watercolor pencils, art markers, pastels and colored pens. I have gone from one extreme to another - from working large scale and oil based, to now working very small scale and water based. I have really been enjoying how quickly I can complete a small watercolor painting as opposed to a large oil
Verse CardsVerse CardsVerse Cards

A sampling of the Illustrated Verse Cards.
painting, and it is great to be able to get my ideas out as they come. I love this new way of working!

There are two main things that I have been working on while here in Guatemala. The first is illustrating quotes and scriptures. I began doing this because I have wanted to memorize scripture, and being visual, found that it became a bit easier when I could put a picture with it. The second thing that I have been working on is developing a new line of greeting cards (which I have entitled 'Whimsicals'), Rather than in a normal folded card form, these card will be in postcard form (as in no fold), with space to write on the front and back. I plan on making both the Verse Cards and Whimsicals Note Cards avaliable for sale after returning to the United States early next year.

Also, to put in a little plug, my Art Cards which are blank notecards featuring my different paintings are still available for sale! To see or purchase them, visit my website at www.sarahcollins.org . Packs of cards make great gifts, and with Christmas coming up, you can get some of your
Whimsicals Note CardsWhimsicals Note CardsWhimsicals Note Cards

A sampling of the Whimsicals Note Cards.
shopping done early and online with a credit card, debit card or paypal through my website. If you are ordering for Christmas gifts, please place your order early to allow for packeging and shipping, which is done from the U.S. (with thanks to my sister-in-law, Jaime!)

I hope that you enjoy the pictures, and I look forward to sharing more as it comes.

Many Blessings,


12th October 2007

Ooh! I like them!
12th October 2007

Girl! I'm so amazed how God daily opens your eyes to new ideas and ways in which to represent them. The 'whimsicals' are wonderful! I'm lovin' the style you chose. Thanks for sharing what God's doing. I look forward to seeing what else will be in store in the future...I love and miss you!
12th October 2007

new art
Sarah - i LOVE LOVE LOVE the new stuff (that you have shown here). I can't wait to buy some and show it off!!!
13th October 2007

Holy Moses Sarah! I love them. I LOOOOVE them. Especially the whimsicle note cards! Reeeeally really wonderful!
14th October 2007

your art, of course
Not to be redundant or anything--but I love them, too! I especially like the Ecclesiastes illustrated verse a lot.
14th October 2007

My dearest Sarah, I think your art (all of it) is absolutely amazing....You are amazing...I am so so glad we were put in each others paths of life...My heart is happy for you, and yours. till next time..
16th October 2007

hi sarah, thanks for sharing your work! I've been very curious! It's beautiful and I'm glad to see you have managed to work, so many distractions! love karin

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