Hair Hair Everywhere

Published: September 22nd 2007
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We know that some of you only view the blog to catch the occasional glimpse of Drew's hair in all of it's fluffy glory. Well, this blog is for you! The other night we decided that it was important, nay essential to give you a hair update as well as an opportunity to see all of the hairstyles that he has at his disposal now. Feel free to write back and vote for your favorite!

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


The Franklin PierceThe Franklin Pierce
The Franklin Pierce

(The 14th president of the United States, for all you history buffs.)

22nd September 2007

nothing else can be said besides the fact that i'm totally amazed. drew, i'm so proud of you. and sarah, even prouder am i for the work you put into this update and the obvious styling techniques associated with a hand like yours!!! I've enjoyed all the other updates as well! Now you've got my wife pumped about looking at them as well!
23rd September 2007

DEFINITELY "The Boy George." Definitely. These are hilarious! Thank you for the good laugh! -joy
23rd September 2007

the norm
I like the norm, it all looks a little radical for drew. Looks like a good time is had by all when finding things to fill your time.
24th September 2007

hahaha got a good laugh from this one! did you just decide one day to take pictures and name his hair? its great! i think my favorite is the big bang.... but all of them were pretty hilarious :) hope you are both doing well!
24th September 2007

Fluffery Goodness
I have to choose the slope - as an ode to the beautiful Colorado slopes which will soon be covered in white fluffery goodness - though to fully complete the look, I recommend a snow substitute such as - Baby Powder, Deodorant Shavings, Parmesean Cheese, Cool Whip, or good old fashioned Dandruff Gwyneth votes for George, Pierce, and Slope - those are the only ones she can mostly pronounce Jaime votes for the norm because she thinks it looks the best and also the samurai because she used to put her bangs in a clip when she washed her face at night and Drew used to say it looked like a samurai We love you guys! Can't wait to see you!
24th September 2007

Delicious. Where's your snow man cardigan? Can we french braid your hair? Come home already. Bye. BFF. HAGS. HAKAS. SS.
24th September 2007

The Samurai!
I like the samurai! Thanks for sharing!!!
24th September 2007

24th September 2007

Uuhhhh I'm just sickened, I really am........... Wear a hat Drew!!!!!!!!! Too much hair, just too much hair. Time to go bald like cousin Andy already!!!!!!!!!! Love Ya!
24th September 2007

Totally impressive, Drew! My favorites......Big Bang Theory and Rico Suave. (In Rico Suave I see a hint of Antonio Banderas). Mostly, I am jealous! You have the hair I always wanted! It reminds me of your dad's when he was young and had hair (even on top)! You look very cool no matter what and I love that you got so many CURLS! Maybe if you call me often enough in the middle of the hair will naturally curl, too! :-) Mostly, I LOVE YOU TWO! Keep having fun, OK?
25th September 2007

i'd have to say...the rico suave -- it really brings out the eyes! you two are the BEST -- you make days in Laramie seem very lame. i'm glad you're enjoying this season. sending my love!
27th September 2007

Drew, your hair is the coolest thing ever! I really think the slope should be renamed to the Chinese hat. Yeah baby, that one is my favorite. Next would be the Rico Suave, except you need to shave the stubble except for the mustache and continue to grow that beast huge...go for caterpillar fluffy size.
27th September 2007

the last comment was mine...
yeah so I sent it before putting my name and email address. Chinese and caterpillar is my comment...yeah baby!
27th September 2007

The Pierce....
without a doubt, you rock it better than Franklin himself....
5th October 2007

I don't get it. They all look the same to me?!?!?!
25th October 2007

hair do's and don'ts
Geez you guys, to make me choose like this is nearly impossible. Initially I was taken over by the big bangs, only to realize there was a half a page more of hair glory! So for sake of fun, I also have to vote on boy george, franklin pierce (as I love my history), and the slope. I hope he's confidently walked the streets wearing a few of these 'do's. Hilar!!!

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