San Cristobal de las Casas - Chichicastenago

Published: December 5th 2008
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We are now safely back in Guatemala in a small market town in the highlands, Chichicastenago. We are at around 2000m above sea level meaning that temperatures plumet once the sun dies, leaving us both wrapped in thermals under several rugs at night! The market has just finished which was a very lively affair, full of interesting smells, some good (food stalls lining the center), some bad (dried fish). Adding to the atmosphere was the sweet smell of insence burned around the church steps and drifting throught the market, a mayan turned catholic performed for several gods.
Our journey here was an interesting one, leaving us stranded in a small town, we later found to be called Aguacatan, with one hotel, a huge room with fantastically retro extravagance bursting from it! Anyway we made it here safely, eight taxi/bus/minibus rides after leaving San Cristobal, at least we got to see alot of the dramatic countryside here, the huge mountains with sheer sides are inescapable.
Tomorrow we head to Antigua for our last stop in Guatemala before moving on to the Caribbean coast on Honduras, warmth at last!


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