Get out of Guatemala City quick!

Published: July 1st 2008
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Well we made it. Last night the flight from texas to guatemala was delayed over 2 hours, some girl lost her passport and was not allowed to board the plane, so they had to find her luggage and remove it off the plane.. Meaning loading all the luggage back on the plane. Yikes. Well we made it safe. It was a little dicey, some drunk cab driver had a sign with our names on it and drove us to this hostel with barb wire fences, and huge concrete walls. No one spoke english and we found ourselves in a roach infested hotel room with 5 beds and a TV. We were so over tired, barely slept, but happy to find a bed. The day was about 20 hours long.

Finally we woke up with the feeling to get the heck out of there. So a bowl of free cornflakes with some warm milk and a banana we called a cab to the bus station headed for Antigua, Guatemala. The craziest ride i have ever been on. This packed chicen bus drove through a mountain pass squealing tires around corners, white knuckling the whole way. It was such an adventure! We made it here and ate some wierd nachos with chicken and i drank a couple beers.

We are staying in an ok hostel, a room with no windows, no bathroom and attached is an ice cream store. We can use their kitchen, but i think we may make our way to Puerto SaN jOSE. Which is a coastal surfing community, on the pacific side. From there maybe Merecinco, where the sea turtle come up to breed on the beach.

Guatemala City was insane. I dont know how to describe it as i have never experienced something so crazy. It was surreal. We didnt feel safe, hence we are in the volcanic chill town of Antigua. Well, that is one day of our trip. Many more to come. We are all smiles and are learning as we go. But already i can tell that this trip is going to be nothing short of amazing, scary and awakening.

O ya.. also we were eating in the restuarant and the most beautiful little girl came in selling razors. She was about 8 years old, had no hands and looked as thoug she was about to loose her feet. A result from polio i would imagine, but it didnt stop the little girl from eating a plate full of scrambled eggs diving her face into the plate, but still had enough courage to smile at me. WOW..... and than a mariachi band came in and played for us. Interesting indeed.

Ok well we better go... This keyboard is full of spanish symbols and its hard to type. I love you all and will see you soon....


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