El Salvador 3/14/2013

Published: March 23rd 2013
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As Vietnam, El Salvador had a civil war which lasted 12 years (1980-1992). Peace Accords were signed in Mexico on January 16, 1992. Since 1981 the U.S. President Reagan pumped about $500 Million a year to help the Salvadoran army to spare El Salvador from socialist as in Nicaragua. It has used the US dollar as its main currency since 2001. It has a total of 21 Volcanoes and it frequently hit by earthquakes, the last big one being on January 13, 2001. Earthquake was marked at 7.6 on the Richter Scale.

Is it safe to go to El Salvador? I think so. Many El Salvadorans advised me not to go in the capital of Tegucigalpa because of a high crime area. However, I did and felt secure and warm. The world has become unsafe in the last few years as many cities that I went by recently compared with a time I were there before because a main reason is the people is poorer therefore a crime increases accordingly. Why? The cost of gasoline is high everywhere so people is hard to make a living. The gasoline went up resulted from 2 wars: Iraq and Afghanistan then making the world unsafe.

Giong nhu Viet Nam El Salvador cung co noi chien keo dai 12 nam giua phe chanh quyen dan chu duoc My ung ho va nhom ly khai co tu tuong cong san duoc ung ho cua Cuba va Lien so. El Salvador la nuoc nho nhat Central America. Khoang 7 trieu dan. Noi tieng Tay Ban Nha. Spain chiem dong nam 1524 cho den nam 1811 danh duoc doc lap. 1979 nha cam quyen quan phiet nam chanh quyen sau cuoc dao chanh. Sau do vi su doc tai dan den noi chien. Mot nhom quan nhan bat man rut ve mien nui tao thanh mot nhom ly khai chong doi chanh quyen va co tu tuong cong san muon dat nuoc El Salvador tro thanh xa hoi chu nghia nhu Cuba. Vi song trong khon cung, nguoi dan El Salvador trong do co nhom ly khai co tu tuong xa hoi chu nghia. Vi nuoc nay nam khong xa may nuoc My nen My khong muon co mot nuoc Cong San nhu Cuba lang gieng anh huong den su an ninh cua My nen nam 1981 Tong Thong My Reagan ung ho chanh quyen quan nhan chong lai phe khang chien mien rung nui ma nhom nay duoc su ho tro cua Fidel Castro cua Cuba va Lien So. Nam 1985 My da bo ra 500 trieu do la de giup phe chanh quyen, cuoi cung nam 1991 dua den dua den dinh chien sau hoi nghi thuong thao giua 2 ben de El Salvador di den hoa binh bot do mau cho nguoi dan do Lien Hiep Quoc dung ra dang xep. Ca 2 ben deu ton trong hiep uoc dinh chien va da hon 20 nam troi qua khong co mot su vi pham nao. Chanh quyen quan nhan chap nhan thay doi voi su hop tac cua phe ly khai de song chung hoa binh. Do la dieu keu hanh cua El Savador. Con Viet Nam thi sao? Hiep Dinh Paris da tra loi. Ke boi uoc cuoi cung da thang tran nho vao su boi uoc do.

Nuoc El Salvador co 7 trieu dan. Khoang 2 trieu dan song o ngoai quoc, tha phuong cau thuc mot trong nhung nuoc co ty le dan song o ngoai quoc dong nhat. Hang nam so nguoi song o ngoai quoc goi tien ve nuoc giup than nhan ca ty dollars tao nen mot tai san khong lo chiem 70% tong san luong quoc gia, trong khi nen san xuat tai El Salvador chi chiem 30%. Dieu do chung to rang so tien cua dan goi ve nuoc la so tien rat quan trong lam thinh vuong nen kinh te tri tre cua El Salvador nhu truong hop cua VN.

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