Kayaking Macaws, Dentista Melissa M. in afternoon

Published: June 24th 2017
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Geo: 8.53622, -83.3051

Tide times are moving later and later so we were not as early leaving as we have done in the past. Robert spotted six macaws in a tree not far from Cabinas Jimenez. We had decided to go to the left and they were in one of the big trees by the shore. Watched them for awhile and then continued on.

We spotted a little green heron that let us come right up to it before it moved on. We saw some mangrove black hawks, a howler monkey in a tree by himself. Not sure if it was ill or not. There was an iguana making an unusual sound that we could not figure out.

The tide was in enough we were able to get over the log that had blocked our path earlier. It was a very nice paddle. We headed back because we were going to see Melissa, our favorite dentist today.

Melissa has moved into a new office and has some new nicer equipment. Her office is in with several other doctors and wishing them all the best of luck. We caught up on some of the news of Puerto Jimenez, her family and her business. Things seem to be moving along quite well. Worked on Robert today and my days will come later.

As usual, dinner at Il Giardino and the sunset was pretty spectacular.

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