You never forget how to ride a bike!

Published: June 24th 2017
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Geo: 9.62783, -85.1385

We of course have a hot plate we brought with us and make ourselves a cup of coffee in the morning to enjoy the start of the day. Because of the rules of our place, quiet in kitchen until 7:00a.m., no visitors to room, etc. we could not offer the guys a cup of coffee at our place.

So, they came by and picked us up and took us down for coffee at the place across from the school. Great place to watch the comings and goings of the early morning scene. One of the interesting things was the white horse we had seen about town was out on the soccer field grazing!

Back to their place for another nice breakfast, this time an omelet. All very good and Craig asked David if they did actually have bicycles we could rent. Yes, they did and we decided to go for a bike ride. Jerry declined and said he was going to walk the beach instead.

Walked over to where the bicycles were and checked them out. There were two wide seaters with the old fashioned braking system; push back on the foot pedal to stop the bike. The other one there was very small and when questioned about it, they found another bike that was a banana seat with modern brakes and gears. The one requirement I had was a basket so my water and bag would have a place to be.

Checking them out. Got on the bicycle and when Laura got off the bicycle to adjust the seat did not lift her leg high enough and onto the ground she went. Laughing and dusting herself off and declaring nothing but her pride was hurt we continued getting ready for the ride. Decided to go by our room and drop some of the things off and Craig wanted to change clothes and would meet us at our place.

In the beginning took a little building of the confidence on the part of Laura to feel comfortable on the bike but soon got the hang of it. Of course, nice to get in the rhythm of using the foot brake like we used to do. The bikes all had to have air put in the tires and the two fat seated bikes still looked like they needed air but it was just the way they looked and once they got going really hummed along.

It was interesting to pass by all the things we had seen by car on a bicycle because got more of a feel for the place. Of course the dust was ever present except in the areas where there was pavement and then you still had to watch for the potholes and aggressive drivers.

Bicycled all the way to where the pavement ended heading toward Playa Hermosa but had to turn back because the dust was way tooooo much to be riding through. On the way back stopped at a kayaking place and checked out their prices and what was included in the price. Still pricey, $80 to $110 per person depending on where you were going.

Decided to stop at Banana Bar and have a cold drink and were enjoying our drink when Jerry walked up. He had made it there and was sitting there when he noticed we were there! It was nice to sit in the cool breeze and enjoy the drink before heading back.

Rode the bikes back to Blue Jay Lodge and then walked back to room. Had another delicious sprout/avocado/tomato sandwich. Did our usual afternoon routine of working on stories and decided to have a sundowner on the beach in front of their place. They came and got us, stopped by store for refreshments and snacks and headed out. It was a nice place to sit and enjoy the waves, people passing by, and just life in general. Jerry cracked us up with his rock and talking to people about it. Looks kind of like The Scream in rock.

Discussion about dinner. Tried to check out Gumbo Limbo but the road was very steep and seemed like we were never going to find it so Craig turned around. Robert had wanted to eat at PURE and so that is where we ended up. A bit pricey but the food was delicious. We had a salad and shrimp in garlic and oil.

Guys came back to our place for a beer and then headed home. We sat and visited with Marcos before heading off to bed.

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