The Pezote and The Mot Mot

Published: June 21st 2017
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Geo: 9.66303, -85.0671

The property of Luna Llena is a nature lover's paradise. There are lush tropical plants everywhere you look. Some were planted when the place was first built, but over the years seed droppings have led to starter plants everywhere.

The ginger is blooming at the moment right next to our cabin and the bird of paradise is in bloom up near the ablutions block. Of course mentioned earlier the cashew tree over our room and there is a mango tree nearby. Also a large variety of palms, crotons and other plants abound.

In the early morning, as the bus struggles to get up the hill, you can hear the howlers voicing their displeasure at the noise. The parrots fly across in a racous bunch as well as the magpie jay moving about.

We are never bored with the amount of wildlife to be seen here. On our first day, having a siesta when I saw a tail going down the stairs. Robert got up and checked and it was a white nosed coati or pizote as it seems they are more commonly called here. Evidently the one we saw is quite the regular in the area as we have seen it most days nosing about. One day we actually got to watch two in action near our room.

The variegated squirrels are busy chattering at us as we sit outside and work on travel stories moving up and down the branches.

One day we heard the familar call of the motmot, a most unusual bird found here. Their coloration is beautiful and they have two feathers that hang down by a long shaft and at the end of the shaft are two beautiful feathers.

We have seen some small birds flitting about but have not yet made any identifications.

I guess one of the funnier is the iguana that has twice since we have been here come walking down the stairs by our room stopping off to eat one of the cashew fruits that has fallen to the ground. Does not seem to be in the least bit interested in us but going about his business.

Never a moment without the sounds and sights of nature here.

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