Problematic of Costa Rica as tourist destination

Published: August 19th 2010
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To be sincere Costa Rica is a nice country, a paradise for lot of people and overseas visitants. But before to travel or debate to live in a country out of ur homecountry, you must to know culture, some about its language, the nice side and of course, the bad site of the country current situation.... i got some examples about the "bad site" of Costa Rica as natural atractive country:

1. ILLEGAL INMIGRANT PEOPLE: Many people comes here without right documents, they comes as visitants and turist, but the reality is more than turists, comes to "stablish" bussines without work permissions from the general migration bureau of costa rica, to "hang up" unscrupulous bussines, showing only "the passport" but not work permissions. Costa Rica is the perfect point for some "inmigrants" to stablish bussines like casinos, sportbooks and another not good sight for the goverment of Costa Rica, as many of them dont pay taxes or just and simple dont show the real earnings of sources.( Casinos and sportbooks are licensed for the Costa Rica goverment, the problem is that, this kind of bussines and its owners dont pay the real taxes and dont show the real earning, besides this "open" the chance to fakes and make frauds!!!). Even if u re waitress or a nice recepcionist you need work permission.!

2. Hoax and frauds: " don't worry bribes resolves problems" adjust ur insurance accident report is so traditional only pay the transit police a "little bite (bribe)" lot of "turistic visitors" resolves "everything", and rob to insurance company is very common between foreings comes to Costa Rica. it's pitiful this situation, cuz they expose their " resident comunity" to get bad reputation. I met a guy tried to rob a costa rica's insurance company that belongs to goverment, he adjusted his accident report from " alcoholic" to " technicians defectives in the car" paying bribes to police, then insurance company realized about it and started a deep investigation about it, now he is avowed as "fraud"for paying bribes to police and adjust his alcoholic incident report. "Dishonest people exist".

3. Bribes and more bribes: Some inmigrants " believe" some money in the pocket can resolve everything. wrong thinking!! pay corrupt lawyers to make cheats and frauds,makes problems to another people,lie about earnings and hide migratory conditions. Ok i can understand poor and in need inmigrants working in costa rica to send money to maintenance their families in the overseas, but is scandalous to see a british or european people robbing costarican institutes or companies trough illegal conditions, no work permissions and no paying taxes. that's laughable!!!! later or earlier the "public ministery" will get this people and start to prosecute them. Embarrasing people!!.

after those 3 advices, remember: do it but do it right and make everything in the legal way. so, you can to live in quietness, you wont have losses, ur reputation will be clean in everywhere inside costa rica and out of this and in the end, you will enjoy this paradise named COSTA RICA.


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