
Published: September 18th 2010
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Friday September 17, 2010:

It is Friday! I’m on my 20 minutes break between grammar and language practice right now, and I don’t normally spend it on the computer but I am in such a good mood after talking with my grammar professor that I had to get my thoughts down on paper. My professor L.G. used to teach at the school I will be spending a month at (CPI in Playa Flamingo) and informed me that it has a much bigger facility, a pool, and a very great staff. She named 3 or 4 other teachers here at my school in Tamarindo that used to work at CPI. It struck me as odd that they would all leave if it were such a good school, but then again they also live in Villareal which is 5 minutes from here, rarther than 30 minutes to Flamingo. CPI also does not guarantee work year round for professors, as during the low season (now) many are out of work but here in Tamarindo they can work all year. Job stability and location win out over quality I guess. We also had a good talk about how my Spanish is very strong and it is clear that I just need a little review because I already know so much of the grammar. She thinks I will have no problem getting fluent by the time I leave. Especially once I begin living in a homestay.

Today was a great lesson, she rushed us through 3 days’ worth of grammar work because it was our last day! That is the pace I’m talking about. Now it is scrabble time.

So today we actually did grammar practice during our second lesson! And then played some scrabble with another student and teacher. The Ticos still won but it was closer. The school held a mini graduation ceremony too, as it was the last day for 6 of us! The school is going to be empty next week. But I am really excited for when I get to Playa Flamingo and coming back to visit Tamarindo.

I have two more nights to have my fun and then come Sunday it will be time to start cracking down and going insane with the Spanish studying. Until then cervezas and English

Ahorra espanol:

Anoche es especial. Estoy escribiendo en español porqué estoy muy emborrachado. Para empezar la noche, nosotros compramos dos botellas de ron y ya teníamos una. Después de salir por las discotecas, nosotros bebimos 3 botellas de ron. Y solo había 7 personas aquí. Después de beber ron, nosotros salimos a la discoteca Monkey Bar. Una discoteca muy bonita y una de más grande de Tamarindo. Allí, había mucha gente, extranjeros y Ticos. A primero la música era americana y consecuentemente era malo. Pero después de dos canciones de la música hip-hop la banda de salsa continuó. Había muchas personas que estaba bailando salsa, pero yo no bailé. Me gustaría bailar salsa pero no puedo. Algún día no? Después de 2 horas a Monkey Bar, la banda estaba terminado y nosotros nos salimos a la calle. La mayoría del grupo continuó a la discoteca agua, pero yo y mi amiga Katie regresamos a nuestra escuela para dormir y ahora estoy aquí, a la escuela. Quiero dormir pero no puedo porqué bebé más que lo debería haber bebido. Necesito comer algo y bebo más agua antes de irme a cama. Era una noche muy divertido, y también era el último viernes por muchas personas de la escuela como Joanne, Kyle, Luisa, y yo. Creo que mañana va a estar tan divertido. Mañana voy a mirar el partido de Washington vs Nebraska a Sharky’s. El partido empieza a las cuatro y media de la tarde, consecuentemente podré dormir mucha tarde, quizás hasta once o doce de la tarde. A los dos teníamos un partido de voleibol contra la otra escuela en Tamarindo.


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