Paradise Lost

Published: June 23rd 2017
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Geo: 16.2361, -89.0436

Why lost? We had a 12 pm bus to catch to go further south towards the Mayan villages and a waterfall I wanted to see. Alex was content in te air conditioned room and I was good taking a walk alone for a bit. I quickly learned it was market day in PG so, putting on my parent hat I went back to get Alex so he could experience some of the culture. Many in the market were in typical modern Mayan dress. Fortunately for us, I took a wrong turn on the way to the market and we saw a visitor center. I went in and spoke briefly with the girl there and explained where we were going. She directed me to a pamphlet for Farmer Inn that advertised a bunkhouse for backpackers.
We proceeded to the market with a new plan. On the bus I met a really nice young man, about 18 years old who gave me the lowdown on life in Belize and how they are pulling oil from their country but gas prices are double the US.
We arrived at our destination, two lonely totem poles on the side of the road and the bus dropped
Turkey following turkeyTurkey following turkeyTurkey following turkey

Turkey following turkey
us off. There is always just a little bit of apprehension when that perfectly good bus pulls away and you are left on the side of the road hoping what you think is just out of sight is really there. Well what we found was more than we could ever have hoped for. Nestled among the most tropical trees and flowers was a vacation retreat indescribable. I swear we were at Animal Farm. The animals seemed to be one cohesive unit. The guinnea fowl that thought it was a dog hung out while the deer fawn meandered among the cat and turkey's. If it hadn't been such a welcoming place, it would have been bizarre to say the least. The owners are an older S African couple, retired to a life of jungle hotel owners and cocoa farmers. Generators powered lights and electronics very limited. We stayed in the bunkhouse and quickly learned, we were the first backpackers to stay in the newly built hut with 2 beds. They decided to try to also draw backpackers to their paradise and only advertised for the first time in the visitor center in PG which we wondered into lost in PG.

Additional photos below
Photos: 5, Displayed: 5


15th June 2014

What a find!!!
15th June 2014

Happy Father's Day Son!! I hope Alex appreciates how wonderful you are and what a lucky kid he is!! I hope your eye is better!! Have fun and keep writing and taking pictures. Love, Mom
15th June 2014

Happy Father's Day...Sounds like you two are having a wonderful time. .Hope your eye gets better soon.
15th June 2014

Happy Fathers day! how special to be able to spend it with your son like this:)
15th June 2014

Happy Father's Day. Again, sounds like your adventure continues and you are experiencing things the rest of us only see in movies. Be safe & hope your eye is better. Love ya, Dad
15th June 2014

No reward without risk. An unforgettable Fathers day journey for you both.Happy Father's day!

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