Doing things

Published: April 7th 2008
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Travis came and we did some fun things like go to Tikal ruins and the blue hole(swimming hole) . for easter, i stayed around san ignacio and there was a fair with a scary, very fast paced ferris wheel which I risked my life on. Also I have some pictures from La Ruta Maya. This past weekend we went to Punta Gorda for my group project. Walked around one of the local villages and surveyed people; found their homes and lifestyles very interesting, different than anything I have seen in Belize thus far. Hiked a little into the jungle in the village, Blue Creek, and went swimming at the mouth of a maya cave. Very refreshing considering it was 97 degrees out. It is getting extremely hot down here, thank the lord I have air conditioning!Love!

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7th April 2008

you know that I love these
Travis 'looks' happy drinking his drink and you look concerned holding the tarantula! I love seeing these pictures. Hope you are all okay and I miss you. Love,your Momma xxxoooxxx I will try to send to you a picture of me and Nancy in San Francisco!

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