the antipodean adventurers' Guestbook

19th August 2021

great post,well written
To know about us,visit:
8th March 2021

You have convinced me. I have to experience this on my next trip. I will be coming from Kyoto and I just read there is a new limousine bus directly from Kyoto so that should make things easier.
11th August 2020

Its a good symbol for Economy
11th August 2020

Do you mean it is good for the economy to take local trips like this instead of flying around during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic?
12th April 2018

Spur winged goose
Any idea if the spur winged goose is considered kosher?
12th April 2018

Spur Winged Goose
Seems likely but not sure. Anyway the game reserve is protected so no hunting for food :)
23rd February 2016

Cute Penguins!
They look so cute! Penguins and Ostrich!
23rd February 2016

Very informative
Very informative blog. I did not know the bit about South African flag, interesting. I am hoping to make a trip to Cape Town in May if all stars align.
11th February 2016

Hike to the suspension bridge
Hi! I love the detail in this entry. Did you go into the coffee house when we went on the short walk to the suspension bridge? Do you want any pics of the area? Shabbat Shalom, Miriam
19th September 2014

Natasha and the paintings.
Just a minor correction - Natasha is standing in front of paintings by Renoir and Degas, not Rembrandt as it says in the caption. Other than that - terrific!
19th September 2014

Paintings caption in Day 5 updated THX!
Ellie thanks, unfortunately my art knowledge is primitive --don.
15th September 2014

Thank you!
Now I see for myself what Judy & Trevor have been seeing, though my view is vicarious and third-hand. Question: why is it called the "Russian Culture Show?" Is it strictly for tourists? Propaganda? Is it connected to the Giselle (the ballet) that Judy mentioned?
12th January 2013
The man from Atlantis (out-take 1)

" Lesley couldn't you have just bought some mosquito netting? Although it is quite effective "
11th January 2013

Greetings from frosty Northwood!!
Thoroughly enjoying your adventures from the comfort of my study!! Did Don -The man from somewhere near Atlantis-enjoy the diving? My two entries for the caption competition--"Here's one I caught earlier" and " Grandpa, what big feet you've got!!" Its freezing here and forecasting snow over the weekend. When do you finish and are you back to Israel or the UK? No real news-xcept B'Sha'a Tova, Ilana is with child! and your house is still standing-from the outside anyway!! Its the Melava Malka tomorrow so I will be thinking of you...We weren't going but someone has very kindly (!!)invited us!! Shabbat Shalom and safe travelling xxxx Marsha and the gangxxxx
15th January 2013

Greetings from frosty Northwood
Thanks for the news. Your last line exceeded the number of characters! Please repeat. Back in the Uk for a couple of days before going back to a cold and rainy Ra'anana.
15th January 2013

Greetings from frosty Northwood
Thanks for the news. Your last line exceeded the number of characters! Please repeat. Back in the Uk for a couple of days before going back to a cold and rainy Ra'anana.
10th January 2013

Am enjoying your blog as much as you enjoyed ours!!! We read it on a daily basis.... My comment re Don\'s lovely outfit (incidentally no more stylish than Ed\'s when he went water-rafting!) - \'flipping great\'. Have fun and let me know when you are back......
10th January 2013

flippin' great
flippin' great. Best so far.
8th January 2013

A wonderful story enfolding ...
I feel very lucky to read your blog - to hear of your activities. You are great story tellers - thanks for all the details.
From Blog: Day 2 addendum
3rd January 2013

Enjoying the Blogging!
It almost seems like I'm traveling with you. Love the photos and particularly the caption! Enjoy your next phase and keep posting. Don - feel better. Lesley - good luck not catching whatever Don has/had! Happy New Year! Love, Al
31st December 2012

Maori = happy linguistics teachers!
I remember after my NZ trip, I showed my Linguistics professor one of the Maori place names. She almost cried with happiness. Ditto to your Welsh comment - belatedly! :D
17th December 2012

Hi There!
Enjoying all your news so far. Have you seen any Kangaroos yet? And whats the weather like?xx
18th December 2012

Kangaroos first seen in Alice Springs
Hi back, weather hot but not stifling. We saw roo yesterday - see day 8. Hope all well in Uk l+d

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