starship VT's Guestbook

8th May 2021

I'm so sorry to hear about your injury, and confinement at home. What a lovely blog entry though, and how wonderful that you are surrounded by so many travel memories at this tricky time. I do hope you are resting and recuperating well, and that we will all be able to travel again at some point soon. I too love to collect souvenirs as I travel. I have most of them stored away, but hope one day to fill a room with them as you have done ? I smiled at your comment on Moroccan sellers being completely atuned to one's facial expressions. I try to keep a poker face in souvenir shops because of that, but it's not always easy! I hope you rest well and recuperate soon Sylvia. All the best. Alex.
8th May 2021

Hi Alex! Great to hear from you! Thank you so much for your nice comments! Would be great to see all your souvenirs! These photos capture only a few of mine, but to be honest I'm really limiting what I buy on any trips now -- or at least that's my goal. Hope to see your collection in your posts some day. I've been rehabilitating my own leg/knee and it's doing really well. Takes a little longer at my age, but I'm really happy with it! Take care, Alex! P.S. I will catch up with your blogs very soon!
19th April 2021

Interesting read
Thank you for writing about Waco. It was interesting to get to know a little more about that town. /Ake
19th April 2021

Interesting read
Ake, thanks so much for reading and commenting. I venture that Waco is a much different town then you might have thought. It has taken on a new character and seemed to be a very pleasant place to me though now it draws quite a lot of tourists.
19th April 2021

The Best of Texas
Travel in Texas has a lot to offer and lots of diverse things to see and do. Great towns for wandering plus some history. Lots of outdoor activities.
19th April 2021

The Best of Texas
Thanks for reading and nice comment. Yes, Texas certainly does have a lot to offer. We should have started to explore Texas much sooner than we did!!
18th April 2021

Disappearing comments
It's odd - I got an email saying you'd responded to my comment but I can't see any comments here at all, neither mine nor your response :(
18th April 2021

Disappearing Comments
Hi Sarah, I don't know why but sometimes it takes awhile for comments & responses to appear on this site. But I did receive your nice comment and it is really appreciated!! I think you'd enjoy Texas and the mystique of the 'old west.' I think we'll be back there again for another visit!
18th April 2021

Discovering more about Waco
I thoroughly enjoyed this post! I knew of course about the Waco Massacre and remember all the news coverage at the time. And I quite recently read someone else's blog about the city's links to the Fixer Upper TV show. We don't get that here (we have plenty of similar ones however) but I think I would nevertheless enjoy visiting the related shops and sites. However it was your info about the Texas Rangers that really caught my attention - the museum, the story of Bonnie and Clyde etc. Of course I know the old Bonnie and Clyde film but we've never seen The Highwaymen. I will definitely look out for that, and will add Waco to my long list of US places we would enjoy visiting :)
18th April 2021

Discovering more about Waco
Hi, Sarah! Thank you so much for your visit and comment. Waco certainly has more than enough to see to make it a worthwhile stop in Texas and there is more I would to see there too. But, I have to say that the Texas Ranger Hall of Fame Museum was my favorite of the sites we visited. I really hope you are able to see "The Highwaymen" because not only goes to the character of Frank Hamer, but also because it dispels any romanticism about Bonnie & Clyde being anything but the true criminals they were.
1st April 2021

Road Trippin'
There is nothing better than Texas hill country when the spring flowers are in bloom.
2nd April 2021

Road Trippin'
So true! I think a lot of people would be very surprised to see that part of Texas in Spring. Glad we finally had the chance to see it for ourselves!
28th March 2021

What a great post.
What an interesting post. I have never been to Texas and it looks like I never will now but this just makes me regret that omission all the more. I particularly like the look of that 40's hotel, how quirky. Having it actually on a working airfield is just the final touch. It is a shame someone couldn't see the attraction of Harry's though, why does everything have to be destroyed all the time?
28th March 2021

What a great post
Hello Fergy, thanks for your nice comments. This part of Texas was an interesting place to visit. The Hangar Hotel was really unique. As for Harry's, after the original owner died, the property was sold. Online photos from last year show that it has been painted a dark gray with white trim, no flags, no signs, etc. So they have stripped it of all its character and they are still working on a renovation which may or may not restore it to its 1896 original look. The old Harry's look was "funky" and maybe what you'd call "honky tonk" but I like it a lot better the old way. Change isn't always for the better! Hope you are doing well!
22nd March 2021

I only think of one thing when I hear of Waco
To me Waco is known for one thing only - the Waco siege. Would a typical American think of something else when they hear of that city? /Ake
22nd March 2021

I only think of one thing when I hear Waco
To people of a certain age, I think you are correct. However, that happened almost 30 years ago. For the last 8 years or so, Waco has taken on a much different character, and is happily known for something quite different that appeals to many people.
21st March 2021

Love those flowers!
I've not really thought of Texas as a possible road trip destination but after reading this and your previous post on San Antonio I am starting to change my mind. If we come we must do so in spring to see those beautiful flowers! What month would you recommend? And I love the look of the Hangar Hotel too - what a find!
21st March 2021

Love those flowers!
Texas is an enormous state with lots of variation in geography and sights. Looking at a map of Texas, you could see we only visited a small slice of it. I really think early April is a great time to visit the Texas Hill Country but other areas as well. The flowers are blooming and it is not exceedingly hot yet. However, the weather in Dallas can change on a dime -- we had hail the day we were originally scheduled to fly home! Hopefully, I will be writing about Waco and Dallas soon!
21st March 2021

US roadtrip - how I long to do that again
It was a few years ago since we went on a roadtrip in the US ourselves last time. We absolutely love doing that and Texas would be a great place to do it. Thanks for writing about your visit there. /Ake
21st March 2021

US roadtrip - how I long to do that again
Ake, I love road trips and our trip to Texas was a lot of fun. But we only saw a little bit of it during this trip. Texas is so big that we focused on a relatively small area of it because it had so many sites we wanted to see. I have 2 more places to write about -- Waco and Dallas. Thanks for reading!
20th March 2021

Springtime in Texas
This sounds a lovely part of the state at this time of year. I never thought of Texas in the way you've described it here Sylvia, and so much nostalgia thrown in for good measure too. That was a great idea by Lady Bird Johnson to line the roads and highways with wildflowers. Another informative topic which I thoroughly enjoyed reading, but I'd still like to know what happened to Harry's Bar.
20th March 2021

Springtime in Texas
Malcolm, thanks for reading and your kind comments! We've only just scratched the surface of Texas in terms of exploring it and learning much more about it, so I think we'll definitely go back for a return visit. But what we did see was pretty special. As far as Harry's (on the Loop), it was a real favorite of locals and travelers alike, famous for live music and the good vibes. Scores of pages have been written about it. But apparently, it has now been sold. Harry Hickman passed away in 2020. I saw one photo where all the character had been striped from it. At the same time, the new owners are restoring it to its original 1896 appearance. Not that it's a bad thing at all, but I kinda liked the 'honky tonk' look too, and I think its character will no doubt change.
19th February 2021

What a great idea.
Hello again and firstly I do hope your leg is healing well, that sounds like a horrendous injury. I agree with everything you say about the current situation, the effects will be far further reaching than simply the awful effects of the virus itself. I love your idea of a tour round your room and the fact that you do not claim the idea as your own, very decent of you. I must say that your home is a proper Aladdin's Cave, I have been in museums with less exhibits than that! Great post, keep up the good work.
19th February 2021

What a great idea
Hello Fergy!! Thanks so much for your kind words! As far as souvenirs, I often think that I have way too many "things" and need to part with them. I don't think my children will want them, but I would be happy if I could find them a good home, LOL! My leg/knee is healing slowly but surely but it sure hasn't been a good 12 months for me in many ways. I hope you are feeling better and doing well, Fergy. Thanks again for stopping by!

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