soooze's Guestbook

17th December 2008

You're HOME!!
We are so happy that you're finally here. As you could tell by Bella's wriggling and jumping around, we could not contain our joy! We were thrilled get a late nite visit from you when I'm sure you were all exhausted - but I'm not sure the girls would have been able to sleep knowing the Slaven's were across the street and they couldn't see them!! WELCOME HOME, SLAVEN'S!!!!
17th December 2008

There's No Place Like Home
Glad you're all home safe and sound, even if you don't have a Guv'na.
17th December 2008

Great Story
Great story, Suzanne. Can't wait to get the boys together. Too bad about your Chinese ;)
15th December 2008

What's Chinese for Bon Voyage?
Terrific blog! Expect to see Evanston with new eyes, but you'll adapt "back" quickly (so jot down those first impressions for future reference), and then when you return to Shanghai, expect to see it with new eyes too. Re all those things you'll have in your life again: how 'bout this ayi? Enjoy your trip home, Suzanne! I look forward to the next 90,000 words.
14th December 2008

You have come a long way baby!
Can't wait to see you guys on Thurs!!!!! So jealous of your new simple life. It is a good reminder to us all especially during this holiday season. Safe travels and looking forward to some face to face time!
10th December 2008

Christmas in Shanghai
I'm surprised and yet somehow not surprised by the colored lights in the photo. That's a good way to put it...commercial purpose only...but I still wonder how Christmas themes show up in Shanghai. Loved reading about the school holiday programs, especially the music teacher's approach. What an amazing experience for Nathan, to be part of a full-string orchestra!
7th December 2008

getting colder..but warming up this week
mark gets the photo creds. Most of the really good pictures are his (not all, but most). Weather here has been pretty great considering it's winter. I hear it will get worse and worse, but this week we will see some 60-degree weather again. Nuts!
7th December 2008

Gorgeous pics
The pictures are gorgeous - i especially love the one of Nathan looking less than thrilled. What a fun trip. Is it getting holiday festive in Shanghai? the weather looks very comfortable - not the subzeros that we're already having in Chicago.
5th December 2008

I just LOVE your blog
Love it!
3rd December 2008

I'm amazed at the lengths you will go to get blog material. No way, no how, would you see me within a city block of that place. Sounds worse than being trampled at Walmart. You deserve a trip to the spa!
3rd December 2008

the bead story
I think you were lucky to get out of there with new crocs and the other 5 yuan. Your description of the bead booth interaction is great.
2nd December 2008

What if...
What if that first taxi driver hadn't refused to take you to the train station? No crazy wild ride for Nathan and Emily...and no crazy wild ride footage for us to love! What if you had decided not to take a chance on getting return tickets? What if you had given in to that not so perky place when you got up? Your Sunday blog is a paean to spontaneity.
30th November 2008

Great Thanksgiving story!
Loved reading how you were tempted, in a turkey-less town, to skip doing your favorite holiday but rallied because of the kids...and then created it, crunchies and all, out of found ingredients...and Emily declared it the best turkey of all! What a fantastic reminder: "to try to create something familiar no matter where you are."
24th November 2008

Where's the Beef? I'm standing on it!
Ha! Or should I say...ewwww. How fashionable are "meat boots" - hmmm, maybe a new trend? I absolutely laughed out loud at the question that you posed to Nathan..."are you proud or embarrassed by me?" and his honest response was the best. Ahhh motherhood.
24th November 2008

where's the beef
Yeah. I can only say that the meat being hacked up was that kind of meat I don't buy or eat. Big bone-in hunks. Not sure what it's even for. Still wish they'd just do that business in the "back".
23rd November 2008

No go!
Great blog!!! Keep it up, Suzanne, and there will come a day (when he's 25?) when Nathan will say, "I was ALWAYS proud of you, Mom!" And also, loved the description of the meat hacker in boots on table on meat. You are making a vegan out of me.
19th November 2008

Cool Hogs!
You could not look cooler zipper thru the streets of Shanghai on your bikes! I love your pan to yourself and your big grin! Plus, I enjoyed the other video in your selection...the song that's zooming up the charts..."I Got Hit By A Bike" by emily slaven. Whatta catchy tune.
17th November 2008

I can't tell you how much I enjoy your blog. The pictures are great. Especially your self portrait. I loved Emily's princess dress. Elaine
17th November 2008

Very nice story
I had similar bike taxi experience in China. Very interesting. These bikers are not allowed to carry passengers for a profit (friends and family are fine though). Thats why they had to kick you off when they saw a police. It is also amazing that Chinese cities, big or small, are so safe though they might seem chaotic during the day. I can never imagine myself riding a stranger's bike/car in a dark street of NYC or Chicago.
16th November 2008

ho-hum...yeah, right, Suzanne
The video you took while on the motorcycle is TOO COOL...that guy you were trying to pick up? That's Mark, right? I don't know about your other loyal readers but I for one wanted moremoremore about this little adventure. Getting off the bike to avoid a cop...what's THAT all about? As for the rest of your blog, how (ahem) "ho-hum" (HA-HA) can you get? Drinks at a Bund bar? Connections with the owner at Maya and with a painter at an art gallery? Your kids making friends with Chinese kids IN CHINESE? Love the photos...Shanghai's version of the Mary Poppins-ish chimney sweep's sidewalk the eels...Food not only "priced to move", but REALLY MOVES?
12th November 2008

Age old tale...
I don't like this practice of counting your age from the day you were born...did you tell your Ayi that American women often stay the same age for years? I've been celebrating 35 for a few years now!
10th November 2008

Loved your description and pictures of the matchmaking going on in the park. Fascinates me too. At first I thought that the park venue was the newest aspect of this old tradition, but I checked briefly online and found out that the newest aspect is the Internet. (Sound familiar?) Apparently, a matchmaking website held an event at a park in Beijing and more than 2,000 people attended, a third of them parents of singles trying to find the right match for their children. "Parents even register on the website to find online potential partners for their children. " The 21st century meets feudalism!
7th November 2008

I loved them. They seem to be related to the lychee...maybe they are distant cousins? :)
7th November 2008

Hi Simon here.... the red hairy fruit is called "rambutan". It is a tropical fruit from South East Asia .... Singapore,Malaysia,...etc.
5th November 2008

yes we can
"All eyes" around the world were focused on the faces in Grant Park in YOUR home state...I want to say, last night...but reading your great blog this morning reminds me that some of those eyes belonged to Mid-Westerners, including Evanstonians, having lunch in Shanghai. The story about the little girl and her basket is so sweet!
From Blog: yes we can!

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