pqc's Guestbook

21st October 2007

Cheap Advertising
Thanks Pete....that's what I call cheap advertising!!
5th October 2007

Hi Pete - glad to hear you have your own "bus stories" now. The great train from Mandurah is getting closer to being completed. They are testing the electricals next week so there will be no trains from Freo for a week and the Joondalup line will only run to Leerderville - lots of cars on the road and people walking ! We have had a few very busy months here at MSJ and looking forward to a slow down this month. Bec and Terri are doing really well. I heard you sent Bec a photo of " Elsa " and crew. glad to hear you are enjoying your music etc - It sounds like you are not working tooooo hard over there. cheers M
30th September 2007

Half Marathon?
You crazy bastard. Just sayin'.
13th September 2007

Pink balloons - how'd ya know
Jees Pete, from half way round the globe you hear the news and celebrate with the right balloon colour! Yep its a girl. I really hoped to break the Mallies curse of two of each sex, but it wasn't to be...think Nicole 2 girls, Paul 2 boys, Justin 2 girls and now me 2 girls - someone better hurry up and start populating with some boys!
28th August 2007

Do you mind??
Oh boy...how embarrassing! I so can't believe you had to use the Dolly Parton reference, although I'm glad you did. Oh and I'm so impressed that Summer Lovin' is so hip! BTW meaning to ask...have you watched Grease 2 yet? (hee hee!!!)
From Blog: Bank Holiday
14th August 2007

glad to hear you are travelling about
Hi - glad to hear you are travelling out of Manchester and the UK. All is well here. Fairly wet July and August - real winter ! Have you been to the soccer yet ? I think the season has just started.
From Blog: Edinburgh
26th July 2007

Martin Hannett
He was crazy, wasn't he. Do you think that story they had in "24 Hour Party People" of Hannett pulling a gun on Tony Wilson was true?
From Blog: Travels
17th July 2007

hi margaret glad to hear things are going well, great news about rose getting a sydney junket, hope she had fun! no doubt she bought plenty of clothes and had a smashing time with elsa!!! pete
From Blog: working
17th July 2007

oh no not another law firm !
Hi Pete - Good to here you are enjoying it all and working again but - oh no ! not another Law Firm. Sounds like it can do with a good PQC forms and systems revamp. Things have started to settled down here at MSJ at long last. InCept is being introduced. Rosanna went to Sydney for training last week and enjoyed meeting everyone over there. M
From Blog: working
16th July 2007

we are sad aren't we, hard to escape the mallies mould!
From Blog: working
16th July 2007

missing imanage
Hi Pete I can completely relate to your comments about having to learn new things for the first time in a while. I'm actually really missing imanage (how sad am I) and keep am still referring to Mallesons as "what we do - hang on - what Mallesons do" - v. sad. Claire
From Blog: working
11th July 2007

Bring on the Pounds
Hi Peter, congrats on breaking into the job market over there and earning some pounds. You'll be fine in a new office - your such a friendly happy aussie they'll all love you as much as well all do in no time. Be happy and good luck on your first day! Tam
11th July 2007

Hey Pete, glad you are in the workforce again, although your grand plan was not to work for a law firm, it's not all bad, sounds like you are quite looking forward to it! Maria, I did had a giggle at your comments. How are your plans going? Back to you Pete, sounds like you're having fun, and am looking forward to reading more of your travellog. Miss you telling me where to go???!!! xx
10th July 2007

Journals??? No way!
I so can't believe you're going to be doing journals!!!! That's hilarious. Here's a hot tip Pete...just remember if 'you' think it's a debit, it's probably not.
9th July 2007

My Live Earth Sydney review
Hey Pete Lindy and I went to Live Earth Sydney. It was great to be a part of the event, although a big day trip from Canberra (we won’t mention all the pollution we caused driving the 600k’s for the gig). We missed the first few bands (who wants to hear/see Toni Collette sing anyway :) Eskimo Joe were ho-hum and I find it hard to watch them live now that they are ‘too cool for everyone’ but their set was ok even though they only played singles off their latest album. Dare I say Missy Higgins was great to watch, sounded really good and it looked like she was genuinely stoked playing up there. Jack Johnston was at his usual ‘chilled best’. Wolfmother were very average, sounded crap and it looked like they were just going through the motions on stage…..very overrated IMO. The highlights of the day were without a doubt the John Butler trio who put on the best performance of any band that night and sounded awesome, not bad for a busker from Freo. Crowed House were awesome had everyone singing right from the start and created a really good vibe through the whole stadium. The lights went out just before they finished (Neil joked about saving power) and asked if anyone backstage wants to come up and sing. Missy Higgins was straight up there, joined by John Butler (with his little baby in of those hippy slings across his chest), Jack J, Afro boy from Wolfmother, Peter Garret and other artists and family members, all singing in the dark and dancing away It was a very nice touch and a great way to end the night. Who would expect a hip-hop head like me enjoying that line up without one yo, hoe or bro all night ;) One poor part of the day was when Peter Garret got up and said a few words in-between bands and said something along the lines of ‘Kevin Rudd and I are serious about climate change’…. Please…. He would have crucified any mainstream polly who would have dared to say that before his set back in the day…..funny how times change….…he got booed as expected ;) Hope you find work soon. Keep up with your entries and Bosco says hi! Craig
7th July 2007

Whoa they have to be the weirdest goggles in the world. Did anyone let you try them on or would that have screwed up the experiment? Good luck on the job front matey. Where do you think you will travel to next though? Somewhere with less rain I suspect ;) Btw we had our end of financial year drinks on Friday - and Kelly Underwood dropped in which was cool! Felt like you should have been there too - oh well, we'll all just have to visit you instead. Terry put on cosmopolitans which were sooo strong it was great. So was the food. Definitely will be hard going back to beer and chips next Friday! Alan announced where the firm retreat is going to be held in August too - it will be in Fairbridge! I've never made it down there for the blues festival in the past so it will be interesting to check it out now... Take care, and enjoy some more gigs for me. I'm going out to a Hed Kandi dance party this Friday but I am craving a good live gig - must suss out what's on, you've inspired me. Hopefully there will be goggled people there and an imaginary singer called Sam ;) PS I am meeting up with a bloke from the UK tomorrow called Charles Landry who is in town to inspire people to get this place a-happenin' for younger folks/Perth's future in general (see http://www.form.net.au/creative_capital/). My tips = less bureacracy and more openmindedness from the powers that be! eg regarding liquor licensing. But if you have any suggestions you want me to pass on in particular please let me know :)
4th July 2007

keep em coming
Hi Pete! It's been great to catch up on your going on's. Not much happening over here... still madly planning the wedding. It's taken over my life! Loving the blog and the pics. So glad you're having a good time. Hope that you earn some good money soon! Take care.
29th June 2007

Hi Pete I've been keeping up with your blog - glad things are going well! If you want to check out what we've been up to check out munrosinprague.com username friends password prague. Let me know if you have any plans to head over this way - there are millions of bars and live music is everywhere - i'm sure you'd love it (and I suspect the weather is alot better too!) Claire
25th June 2007

Hi Pedro - sounds like you are having a fantastic time. So pleased for you. Have often wonder how you are going so it's great to read all about it now I have your blog address. I can probably say ditto to all of j.em's comments, too. All the best with finding the right job. Take care of you. Steph M
25th June 2007

hey pedro!!
am lovin keeping up with what you are up to over there!! so, what are your flatmates like?? how is it sharing?? see what you mean about manchester - the architecture is very cool. of course, haven't heard of any of the bands you name but when it comes to music you would probably very ashamed of me!! what i want to know - is why was vaughan wearing a V.B. shirt in london?! 4am finish - thats what i would call a good night!! in fact, i am pretty sure i wouldn't be able to handle it, those days are over for me i think. hope you have caught up on your sleep. keep having fun!! janet
11th June 2007

i must be strange, i hope rebecca (and you) are coping! the donuts were very nice, id send on over but dont think it would last in the post!!!
11th June 2007

day one without Maria ( or Pete )
Hi there, how could you get lonely with all those ex Mallies people over there ! Amasing to hear that you can just bump onto Perth Mallies people among all the crowds. We gave Maria a great farewell party on Friday and have just surviived our first day without either of you here. The doughnuts sounds exciting. I may come over just for them. cheers M
8th June 2007

Arrggg...my last day!
Thanks Pete. This is a bit scary isn't it? We did the whole champagne breakfast thing this morning...all in your honour! Hee hee...see you got to be part of it too.
From Blog: london calling
3rd June 2007

Hey Pete, glad to hear you've found an apartment, and all the bands sound amazing!! Hope the housemates work out well ... let me know if you need any tips on sharing!
2nd June 2007

the other elvis
heyhey glad you got that reference :-) and there's nothing wrong with eurovision ... coff coff ... not sure about the fat kd lang wining! i was going for belarus myself just because i love the name belarus. hope you've been behavin urself :-)
From Blog: the weekend

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