mikesrtw's Guestbook

19th March 2016

An absolute incredible blog guys, really captured an incredible time and the photos are the best we have ever seen in a blog. I know you both went through a bit of hell but it sounds like you had the time of your lives, keep travelling well and keep telling us about it.
20th March 2016

Thank you for such a lovely comment. We had an incredible time here. We're glad you enjoyed the read too.
19th March 2016

When the party's over
Nah...never over unless you want it to be.
20th March 2016

When the party is over
Very true. We certainly partied well here!
19th March 2016

Spaced out is fine...
it's important that you enjoy your trip and not be bound with writing blogs. I love that you have kept up though as your travels have been amazing.
18th March 2016

Cartagena magic
Reading your blog, Michele asked me "can we go back?" You really have done and incredible job in describing one of the best places on the planet. Lucky you to spend a month there; green with envy. As with how regular to blog? Go with the flow, blogging can be a pain in the arse when things are good.
18th March 2016

Cartagena magic
Happy you felt the same. Yes we were certainly were very lucky to have that time to really enjoy it. Throughout our following travels we have had to resist the urge to go back. But we will. Over and over again I'm sure. Sounds like you will too. Have many of the next blogs ready so we can more or less catch up easily. Blogging for 14 months on the road so far has certainly been a challenge (especially while learning Spanish which is why we stopped over Christmas). However we are more hopeful now that we will finish this blogging journey as we intended.
18th March 2016

Always listen to the whispers!
People who have never done an around the world trip cannot imagine how tiring it is and some times you the only cure is a beach chair for a couple of weeks and sleep. Sensory overload can take over....you need to rest from the exploration. Looks like a marvelously vibrant city and the vibe spoke to you. Glad you found the perfect place to stay and keep up with the spanish and dancing. Good for you. Do the blogs when you can and we will read....space or no space.
18th March 2016

Listening to the whispers
We're happy you can really relate to the feelings of being tired. Something we did not anticipate and so it hit us quite hard. Yes Cartagena certainly spoke to us. Next few blogs are uploaded so not a problem. It will take 5 minutes. Thanks again for your lovely comment.
12th March 2016

I love art deco
When we were in Florida we left Miami right away not thinking there was anything really to see there. Next time we'll hang around longer because I love art deco. /Ake
15th March 2016

The art deco is really impressive. With a little bit of research next time it will be nice to find some hidden gems away from tourist central as potentially feels like it has a lot to offer.
11th March 2016

Excellent budgeting!!
Can't believe you traveled to all those wonderful places in the U.S. and spent so little money. I'm proud of you for taking the dog (greyhound) across America as this saved you an enormous amount of money. Loved your adventure and wish we had know you would be in Florida and we would have had you over for dinner. Let us know next time! In the U.S. we used to have many psychiatric and mental health facilities but money was tight during the 80's recession and President Reagan closed all those facilities to save money. Sadly, that created a large homeless population in our country and it has continued. We do not provide enough reserves for the indigent and or mentally impaired....and you saw then on our streets. Americans can get a lot of bad press but generally we are warm and wonderful people who love to talk to everyone. We are happy you enjoyed the trip. Come back soon.
15th March 2016

Thanks, were impressed you think so. We could have saved more but equally could have spent much more too. Its interesting you think we have seen soo many places in the states. We have lots more places on our list so feel like we only touched the surface. Ha saying that; theres no way whatsoever we could have covered more ground. No way. Yes we agree, Americans are friendly talkative people and we're happy we got to see witness this first hand. If only we knew. I'm sure we'll be back and we'll take you up on that offer when we are!
11th March 2016

Where time stops
Nothing better than a lazy life and you've been hitting it hard as you moved across the U.S. so you certainly needed some downtime. Perfection.
15th March 2016

Where time stops
We certainly needed this. Yes time stopped for us there offered us something we can only describe as pure life by the sea.
11th March 2016
Our first meal in Mexico

I can't wait to take a 'our first meal in mexico' photo too. Those tortillas! :)
11th March 2016
Our first meal in Mexico

Hammock life
You will love the food in Mexico. Its very tasty!
11th March 2016

The hammock life... my idea of paradise!
I can totally see why you stayed two weeks in your hammock paradise...it's absolutely gorgeous. Reading this blog has made me so excited about your upcoming blogs from Colombia, looking forward to them.
11th March 2016

India Great in every sector !! I love india !! I proud to be an indian...
Waoo!! Very nice blog dear specially your blog title is too important . Indian rules and hospitality is major facility in india. The grand palace of mysoore is very beautiful I love your blog. Visit me: turopaks
11th March 2016

Love India
Its a pleasure to hear you enjoyed it. Thanks for commenting!
11th March 2016

Shocked, yes, I am shocked!
First, I'm thrilled that you liked my country and that people were friendly. However, I'm shocked at how much all of this cost you. I guess I've always driven my ancient car, camped, hosteled sometimes and self-catered always, but yikes, I'm so impressed with the fortune you two spent and that you are still smiling (then again, you're from England, which wiped out my budget). I'm also a huge fan of Isla de Mujeres, so also shocked that the Miami waters were freezing and not so inviting. Most of my South American friends have either been to Miami or have friends living there, plus lots of ex-Cubans, so yes, lots of Spanish. Regarding the homeless--it's a massive, shameful problem in the US, and as you saw, many have mental problems and should be sheltered; in England, you have people squatting, which is brilliant. We also have so many empty homes, but we don't have the squatting mentality for the healthy homeless--too bad. Regarding stores that follow a crazy weather system--that's your fault, my 4-season friends. All over the world, stores think we live in the UK or NY, so in Miami or my CA or here in Peru, when it's hot, stores offer still clothes for that next season--you were there in the fall, so winter clothes are on offer, but glad you got what you needed. Most of all, I'm just so happy that you had a lovely experience in my country. For your next visit, I'll share tips on fine, cheap hostels, avoiding ATM fees and cheaper transport. Looking forward to your return!
11th March 2016

Shocked your shocked
Wow. We're surprised you are shocked. The figure includes some clothes we purchased at the beginning and 2 buses we did not catch (we missed our LA-SF bus and also memphis to New Orleans as we opted to stay longer). We did not cook once (lazy bones I know). Plus the internal flight to my recollection cost close to $100 when including baggage so taking this out of the equation we spent around $400 for us together. I thought we got some good deals. We could have saved with car hire and by couchsurfing with advance planning for both. We also have a problem in the UK and only today I read an article about new powers and orders coming into place prohibiting certain behavious that can include homeless and begging. This only serves to hide the problem and not address the causes. I do not know much about work in the states addressing this, but as a visitor maybe because the homeless were more vocal in the states, it really stood out to us.

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