Page 12 of londonpenguin Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Germany May 5th 2010

Geo: 50.0599, 7.76593I didn't sleep too badly. Only heard the train going by a couple of times while I still trying to fallasleep. The room does shake a bit, however.The water pressure in the shower this morning was acceptable, but I had to turn the handle all the way to the left to get any hot water. I'd been in there for maybe two minutes and was rinsing the shampoo out of my hair when suddenly the water turned stone cold. I think I screamed a little. Usually when that happens, the water will warm up again fairly quickly. Not this time. Oh. My. God. I was shivering so badly that I could hardly dry myself off. I ended up feeling kind of scungy for the rest of the day.I checked with Fatima, one of the ... read more
A "tesa" tape dispenser!
Listening to the piano
Herr Jung

Europe » Germany May 4th 2010

Geo: 50.0599, 7.76593I only woke up once during the night and I fell back to sleep pretty quickly. And I didn't even hear the BONG BONG BONGs. Success!We were out the door by 8:20 and walked to the Spaarne to meet our coach and driver, who happens to be Rene, my driver from last year's France tour. Yay! I feel we are in capable hands. And I don't even have to learn to recognize a new bus, as it's the same Heidebloem bus from last year.The original schedule had us going to the Arnhem Open Air Museum, but about a week before the tour started, the office sent out an e-mail saying that we would be forgoing that and spending a morning at the Keukenhof gardens instead. I was disappointed because I like open air museums, ... read more
Seductive path of bluebells

Europe » Netherlands May 3rd 2010

Geo: 52.3738, 4.89095I woke up at 3:00 a.m. and never did get back to sleep. Classic second-night syndrome.Breakfast consisted of meats and cheeses, bacon, eggs, rice, fruit, yogurt, croissants and other rolls, and cereal. Not a bad spread. No Nutella, but there was some chocolaty spread for the croissant, so I was reasonably happy.We were out of the hotel at 8:00, walking to the train station to catch the 8:16 to Amsterdam. The train was there when we walked onto the platform, so we all piled on and rode 20 minutes into the big city. It's been four years since I was last in A'dam, but it really feels like yesterday. There's still all kinds of construction in front of Centraal Station, and the Rijksmuseum is still covered in scaffolding. The city was a lot dirtier ... read more

Europe » Netherlands May 2nd 2010

Geo: 52.3795, 4.637722:00 a.m. -- BONG BONG3:00 a.m. -- BONG BONG BONG4:00 a.m. -- BONG BONG BONG BONG (I think)I somehow managed to miss 5, 6 and 7 a.m., but I did hear 8 and 9. Also what sounded like a cat in heat somewhere outside my window around 6:30. Otherwise, I didn't sleep too badly.The shower was ... not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. The water only got a little outside the curtained area, and the drain works so it didn't puddle up at all. There's no fan, though, so I must remember to leave the door cracked a bit so that everything doesn't steam up and get all condensationy. (What? It's a word.) Even the water pressure was reasonably good, although there's that strange empty space in the middle of ... read more
Atop the windmill
Bridge across the Spaarne
Doorway in Haarlem

Europe » Netherlands May 1st 2010

Geo: 52.3795, 4.63772SeaTac Airport has free wi-fi! Of course, I had nothing to blog about at SeaTac, having only been dropped off by John 45 minutes before I discovered the free wi-fi. In that short time, the only interesting things that happened to me were: (1) a TSA officer made some Russian people get out of my way; (2) I got a chai latte at Starbucks; and (3) there were way too many small children waiting at gate S10, and most of them were coughing or sneezing and just generally spreading germs. Not terribly blog-worthy (clearly, however, I've just blogged it, so ...).The flight to Heathrow was mostly uneventful and, even though the Captain or whoever it is that yammers over the loudspeakers said it was a full flight, the seat between me and the girl ... read more
My bathroom

Europe » France October 15th 2009

Geo: 48.8566, 2.35097A mocha Frappuccino. Such bliss!Said goodbye to Rolinka and Yvonne this morning. Big hugs all around, and I very nearly cried. I managed to keep it together, though, and then went out to wait for my Parishuttle. It was five minutes late, which isn't bad actually. There were two people already in the van, and we picked up one more. The girl in front of me had doused herself in some godawful perfume, so I was glad the window was open even though it was chilly this morning. Those shuttle drivers go like demons on the motorway, but it meant we got to Charles de Gaulle in record time.CDG was a hive of chaos, with tons of signs everywhere ... very few of them of any actual use. I did manage to get into ... read more

Europe » France October 14th 2009

Geo: 48.8566, 2.35097The hotel we've been in the last two nights does not have top sheets on the beds. There's a bedspread and then a fluffy duvet. The duvet is nice and cozy, but I wonder if that's what has given me such bizarre dreams the last couple of nights.We left Bayeux at 8:15 this morning for the drive to Giverny. Claude Monet first rented and then purchased the house and gardens at Giverny for his second wife and eight children in 1883, and he lived there until his death in 1926. The house, while not terribly interesting, is painted in soft colors and is full of light. The gardens, even at this time of year, are lovely and have been planted to look as they would have to Monet, who took great interest in the ... read more
Monet's Garden
A visitor to Monet's Garden
Monet's Garden

Europe » France October 13th 2009

Geo: 49.2764, -0.705529Got to sleep in a bit this morning as we weren't leaving the hotel till 9:00. The doors on the shower stall worked, but the stall itself is one of those where if you turn around, you knock against the faucet lever and end up completely changing the water temperature.I tried to make a phone call to Paris this morning to confirm my shuttle reservation (I was given explicit instructions to call two days prior to pick-up), but all I got on the phone was a “boop-boop-boop” noise. When I told the lady at reception (using my best French, which she understood ... yay, me!), it turned out that she had to turn on my phone line. So I made mycall, and when the man asked for my room number in Paris, I had ... read more
Stained glass
Utah Beach

Europe » France October 12th 2009

Geo: 49.2764, -0.705529Well, my little prefab shower room didn't work so well. The room must have been tilted just enough because the water from the showerhead would land on the rim of the tub and then cascade over the side, even though I kept turning it toward the wall. When I was done with my shower, the bath mat was a sodden mess, and the floor was completely covered in water. After Ifinished using the bath towel I put it down on the floor, and it took about four seconds for it to be completely soaked. I was too scared to use the hair dryer after that, so I was finally glad that I've been hauling around my travel dryer all this time.I walked downhill to the main hotel building for breakfast. There was a pretty ... read more
An escapee from dinner
Me on the terrace at the Abbey
The Abbey cloister

Europe » France October 11th 2009

Geo: 48.6329, -1.50956Out of the hotel at 8:30 this morning (said goodbye to Boobie; he was indifferent) for the drive toBrittany. We all knew that today would be a long bus day (5 hours), but it was really difficult to stay awake. Caught glimpses of grape vines and plenty of cows and sheep, as well as an outdoor dog obedience class. Our lunch stop was in Fougères, which is very small but boasts a cathedral and a ruined castle. Yvonne, Bert and I ate at La Duchesse Anne and were served by an Irish woman! Bert and I both had galettes (egg, cheese and bacon for me), and Yvonne went straight for an apple-caramel crepe. Had cider again too, but this one was more beery than the one I had at Chambord. It was a very ... read more
Mont St. Michel

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