londonpenguin's Guestbook

5th September 2011

I agree with JK about the comment regarding Germans! I can only begin to imagine the antics you went through over a couple of itsy, bitsy spiders. The profiterals may not have been the best, but the presentation was sure outstanding. I'l
l look forward to your next post! I share them with John and my friend Mid, who lives in California and also enjoys reading your posts.
5th September 2011

Good heavens! I made a spelling error. They are profiteroles!
4th September 2011

WOW! There you are in Dublin! How wonderful and exciting. Glad to hear your trip over wasn't too bad, even though you didn't get to sit with your friend (that is too creepy that they lost her whole reservation! At least she was able to
be on the same plane still!!) That's hilarious that the fish 'n' chips place is run by an Italian guy! Can't wait for your next update!! Enjoy!!
3rd September 2011

I wish I was there, too! Thanks for letting us know you arrived safely. I heard that foreign travelers should register with the American embassy in the event there's any trouble on 9/11, but suspect you're not likely to encounter any diff
iculties in Ireland. Happy travels!
27th May 2010

WELCOME HOME!! Glad you made it on time, and in one piece and with your sense of humor still in tact despite your crazy seat-row companions!! Nice to sleep in your own bed and shower in your own shower, eh?!?! See you soon I hope!!!
From Blog: Ciao Wiedersehen
24th May 2010

Hope you aren't delayed by the strike! Even though you love London, when you're ready to come home the last thing you want to do is be told, "your flight is canceled." Sending good vibes that you get out on time!!
23rd May 2010

It's a fine line between a nice day and a day that's too hot when you're in London, isn't it?!?! Of course I think anything over 70 degrees F is too hot! HA! I had those same kind of troubles on the subway in NYC. No wonder we like our
cars in Seattle! Hope you have a relaxing end of your trip and a good, uneventful flight home. Thanks so much for including me in your travel journal. I had a wonderful time living vicariously through you on your adventures! See you soon!Love,Kate
21st May 2010

Podiatrist? Lotchie!
From Blog: La Belle Paris
20th May 2010

I was thinking the same thing about Reid reading your blog. But what are the chances. ;-)
From Blog: Heidi-ville
20th May 2010

Vous le savez, le meilleur croque monsieurs sont servis ? la Tour Eiffel! Avec des frites, bien s?r. :)
20th May 2010

Dang, Teresa! You must be exhausted!! You're going to need a vacation from your vacation. Switzerland sounds gorgeous. How strange about the currency thing in France. How odd that they have restricted exchange days! maybe they really
don't want to encourage travel between non EU and EU countries after all! HA! Take care of your feet! Maybe you can find a nice Parisian salon that does foot massage...
From Blog: La Belle Paris
17th May 2010

Ahhh, Italy! I so need to get back there. How funny that you've had so much rain. When my Mom and I were there it was November, and we only had 2 days of rain the whole time! It was funny, when you said about the security check at St Pe
ters I was thinking, "what security check?" Then I remembered we had been there before 9/11. Different world. Hope you got some good sleep and a good shower in Monterosso...
10th May 2010

Hey Teresa!Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. No fair to be sick when you're on vacation and doing walking tours!! I loved the pictures of the castles in the alps!! I need to get there! And it's so fun to see your photos a
nd stuff from Venice since I've actually been there! And since I've been to Florence and Rome, too, I can't wait to find out where you go that I've been. It's fun to be able to picture in my head the places you are!! Feel better!
From Blog: Venetian Mosaic
8th May 2010

The Swedish self-clearning toilet commercial is used in marketing classes 'round the word.
From Blog: Going Medieval
7th May 2010

Bacharach is lovely! I think I have to add it to my list of places to visit! What a great story about Herr Jung. And I love the photo of the urinal with the guillotine! Glad your ears will finally be warm (that's why I always take my han
dy-dandy ear-warmer with me wherever I go!) Hope your next accommodation has a shower with always warm water!
From Blog: Herr Jung
3rd May 2010

I'm so glad I was sitting at the computer when your post arrived. It sounded like another great day of travel with enjoyable travel mates.
From Blog: Amsterdam
3rd May 2010

Hi, Teresa!!Thanks so much for including me in your travel journal! What fun!!! If it makes you feel any better, it's cold here, too!! 56-58 degrees and a really cold wind. (Of course at home you could go get your extra clothes! HA! S
ounds like you're having a blast! Can't wait to hear more!
From Blog: Amsterdam

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