Page 6 of katiemac604 Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Dubrovnik April 23rd 2014

The bus ride from Split to Dubrovnik is 120 km. It takes 4 hours. Why? you might ask. BECAUSE IT'S THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DRIVE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD EVER. Kathleen and I didn't get to sit together right off the bat, so she slept while I had my face glued to the window for an hour. At the first stop we were able to move together, so she got the opportunity to see what I couldn't even believe. The drive from Split to Dubrovnik takes you along the Dalmatian coastline on windy roads between mountains and the sea. I'll let that sink in. IT'S REAL. I couldn't even get a picture of it because I didn't want to look away. I sat there furiously typing away on my phone because I wanted to write ... read more
View from our flat. Casual.
Water at our secret beach
View from our secret beach

Europe » Croatia » Dalmatia » Split April 23rd 2014

If you haven't ever heard anything about Croatia, read the next 3 posts. If you haven't bought a plane ticket to Croatia by the end of them, you're doing it wrong. Croatia is BY FAR the most beautiful place I've ever been. Plus funny stories. Here we go. Kathleen (who works at my school) and I woke up wicked early on Thursday morning. We had this awkward spring break from Thursday-Tuesday. Yay Easter! We got to Deli Palyaudvár at 5:45 am with our bags and snacks. We got on the train and slept. We had a group of obnoxious Britss sitting behind us. While everyone was trying to sleep, some of these conversations happened. Guy 1: How are you guys falling asleep? Guy 2: I find it's easiest to sleep with my mouth shut. (Guy 1 ... read more
Old Town Split
Open Market

Europe » Slovenia » Upper Carniola » Bled March 24th 2014

I'd like to start this post off by apologizing. It's been a really long time since I've posted anything. Spring has sprung in Hungary, and with spring comes a renewed social life full of family dinners, weekends outside, and very little time in my flat. It's really been amazing here. I finally have a rainy Sunday, and it's supposed to rain for the rest of the week, so hopefully by the end of this week, I'll be back on track. After Trieste, the girls (Darcy, Alicia, Kenzie, Cindy) and I had a few Wednesday night dinners together. A good way to catch up each week after our Italian adventure. One family dinner after my ski weekend, I stayed at Cindy's flat after everyone else had left. We realized there were a few weekends in a row ... read more
Our first view of the lake. WHAT.
The town of Bled.
Boats in green water

Europe » Hungary » Southern Transdanubia » Mohacs March 3rd 2014

Búsojárás is sort of the Hungarian Carnival. It happens on the first weekend of March every year down in Mohacs, which is on the Danube close to the southern border of Hungary. Men dress up in sheep skin everything and scary wooden masks to chase away the winter demons. Let's go! OH BOY. When I was little I had a sheepskin that I LOVED. I called it a "mysaw" for reasons that still perplex my family. My brothers followed suit and we all had "mysaws" that we ripped apart as we grew older (except for Duncan). I assumed this festival would be a slightly traumatic experience for me with terrifying men dressed in mysaws walking around everywhere. It was traumatic, but in other ways. I met Darcy, Alicia, and Kenzie at the bus station at 8:30 ... read more
Us with a Búso!
Nom nom

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan February 26th 2014

My story of how I planned my trip to Milan goes something like this: Kate's thoughts: Hmm...I have a long weekend coming up. I should go somewhere. Let's put these dates into SkyScanner (the best app EVER) and see where the cheapest place is in the world for me to fly to. Oh? Milan? $55? Round trip? OKAY. I guess I should find a couchsurfer now so that I can keep this cheap. 20 minutes later. Oh. Someone already replied and said I can stay with him. OKAY. Fin. Granted, it all didn't completely work out like that. A few days before I was supposed to leave my Couchsurfer told me he could no longer host me. Generally when this happens I go back to the site and send out a bunch of requests and post ... read more
Matt, Tom, Adam and I at the Duomo
High fashion right here
Porta Venezia

Europe » Italy » Friuli-Venezia Giulia » Trieste February 10th 2014

Let's start with Friday. My super inconvenient day of school happened (just kidding-I only work from 8-10:40 on Fridays). We celebrated Farsang on Friday, which is basically Carnival for Hungary. My kids all dressed up in costumes like Halloween. Except in Hungary, Halloween means scary costumes and Farsang means silly/cool costumes. Therefore my kids ranged from Flamenco dancer to football player to Zorro to Superman to Fairy to Trash can to Jungle. I wish I could post pictures. Sorry. After school I rushed home, packed my bag, met Kenzie downstairs with her bag, and headed to Arriba Taqueria: The Budapest Mexican Food. There we met Darcy and Alicia. Then Cindy showed up with her CAR and we all piled in. Since I was the navigator (as per usual), I got to sit in the front. YAY. ... read more
Carnival Confetti

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Szentendre February 9th 2014

This past weekend, I decided to plan a day trip to Visegrad and Szentendre. Normally Darcy plans things and I navigate, so I'm not the best at planning. After a fun night on Friday, I met Joe, Sam, Chaz, and Niamh at the Nyugati train station at 9 am. We bought tickets for a train to Visegrad and set off. Joe ate his first McDonald's breakfast ever and was so American about it (he's from London). The train was where the insults between Sam and Chaz started. The next 20 hours ended up being about who could insult the other the most. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We got off the train at Nagymáros where we could see the Visegrad Castle up on a hill. We walked towards it and found the ... read more
The castle in the fog
Foggy hills
Niamh waiting for the ferry

Europe » Slovakia » Bratislava Region » Bratislava February 2nd 2014

3 weeks in Budapest makes me stir-crazy. Also, I never thought I'd be spoiled enough to utter those words. But here I am, and here we are. In January I had to spend $200 to get a new computer battery because mine died, and Apple products in Budapest are expensive, and the postal service isn't reliable enough to order a battery from the states. Therefore, I was poor. But also stir-crazy. Compromise? Bratislava. On Saturday morning, Darcy, her friend John, and I boarded a train (for 17.5 euros round trip), got a car, and chugged towards Bratislava. In typical fashion, Darcy booked everything, and I had no idea what was going on. However, we got to take the train during the day, which was a first for us! We passed small villages and mountains, and everything ... read more
The crew
UFO tower and graffiti

Europe » Belgium » West Flanders » Bruges January 5th 2014

This is way long overdue, but I'm home sick today, so I'm gonna sit and write this. My favorite city in Europe is Bruges. There. I said it. I can probably never afford to go back there again because it's the most expensive city ever in this world (that I've been to), but it's all kinds of amazing. We left Cologne, Germany at 4:30 and drove to Belgium. 3 countries in 1 day. Awesome. Naturally, I navigated again. The drive was...dark. Exciting, I know. We passed Brussels, which we could only tell because it was a really big city with lots of lights. Adam drove, and I was awake, and we said, "look! Brussels!" but Darcy and Noah were passed out in the back seat. Really excited moment for all four of us. Anyway, we got ... read more
I love canals
The yellow is sugar. Everything else is food coloring.

Europe » Germany » North Rhine-Westphalia » Cologne January 5th 2014

For the record: Cologne does not smell like cologne. Darcy had the brilliant idea to do a road trip while we were in Amsterdam. Because who can stay in the same country for 6 whole days? NOT US. FOUR AMERICANS. THREE COUNTRIES. ONE DAY. We got up way too early for life on January 2nd. We took a bus to the airport and then had to take another shuttle to our car rental place. We (Darcy because she's old enough) rented a car, which was so tiny it barely qualifies. But it was awesome. We drove to Cologne, Germany. It took 3 hours. I can't drive a stick shift. Darcy, Adam, and Noah can. So I navigated. By my handy dandy skills of screen-shotting directions on my iPad and guessing at road signs, we got to ... read more
Kate and Noah go to Germany!
Pretty colorful buildings
City Gates

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