Bethan Liu


Bethan Liu


Former TravelPod Member: weixiao

Joined: March 19th, 2005
From: The beautiful city of Peterborough lives in Peterborough,United Kingdom
Favorite Book: Lonely Planet guides - all of them!
Favorite Movie: Monsters Inc plus anything else Disney
Favorite Music: Anything.
Languages: Chinese, French and English sometimes
Bucket List: Get a job that pays
Profession: Primary School Teacher
Amazing Event: Hugging a cuddly panda in Chengdu.
Hugging Sculley at Disneyland Florida
Description: Wouldn't like to know!!

Anything from The Bible is pretty useful 😊

Europe » United Kingdom » England April 14th 2016

Geo: 52.6218, -0.109168Survived!! ... read more

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 12th 2016

Geo: 30.67, 104.07No trip to Chengdu in complete without a trip to the Panda Research Base. This place just gets bigger and better each time we visit! This time, they had built a whole new enclosure with wobbly bridges and incredibly cute baby pandas. Love it!Back in Chengdu, we managed to find some Digding chaomian. However, Lewis seemed completely oblivious to the sacred nature of such an occasion and I spent the majority of the meal up to my arms in baby poo! Somewhat takes away from the taste!! ... read more
Sleeping pandas

Asia » China April 11th 2016

Geo: 29.905, 103.373We ate delicious noodles for breakfast, were stalked by Bill's Auntie, played bubbles and rolly pollys with toddlers in the square then went to Hongya Middle School (where Bill had studied) to meet up with his younger cousin. We had a lovely meal, where Bill actually deliberately over ordered, next to a conveniently placed naicha stall. Then we went and caused complete chaos in the school! Students were hanging out of classroom windows in order to get a glimpse of the foreign family! Always aware of an audience, Isaac decided that such numbers and attention more than warranted a performance so put together a medley of dinosaur ball, t-rex impersonation, robot dance and peekaboo! Lewis performed his 'I want milk now' song whilst I tried to hold simplictic conversations in English with shy students! ... read more
Middle school

Asia » China April 10th 2016

Geo: 29.905, 103.373After some local purchases and scrumptious jiaozi in the tow, we waved goodbye to Yeye and headed back to slight civilisation in Hongya, staying in the hotel that we had stayed in three years previously. Bill had arranged to meet up with his cousin and some school friends but failed to actually organise anything to do with them so the poor people just followed us on our trek back to the hotel to change stinky nappies!! The main square is the centre of all social life in Hongya and on a Sunday night, it definitely didn't disappoint! Not only was there the line dancing ladies but there was also a mass Zumba class, breakdancing, men whipping spinning tops, middle aged ladies practising karaoke (badly), a stuffed character, inflatable angry birds electric cards and somewhere ... read more
An audience
Yellow bus

Asia » China » Sichuan » Leshan » Emeishan April 9th 2016

Geo: 29.6467, 103.278Still stunningly beautiful. Still incredibly infuriating!The overcrowded, non air-conditioned bus to Hongya seemed to take forever! Not much fun when you have 2 seats between 4, one of them being an incredibly wriggly toddler! I was not in the mood to undertake bus journey number two to Gaomiao on the same day but Bill was desperate to get home and after a tea stop in Hongya's main square and a chance to stretch Isaac's legs, we picked up the yellow bus to Gaomiao which is actually a pretty pleasant ride. Bill's Auntie and Uncle were there to meet us and we were made to sit and be polite whilst they finished a business meal in the private room of a restaurant. The last thing any of us wanted to do after 2 long, squashed ... read more
Bus one
Tuk tuk
Hongya tuk tuk

Asia » China April 5th 2016

Geo: 30.5969, 103.982This place has everything and is now one of my favourite places ever! Yes, it does have the almost ghostly atmosphere of any new Chinese shopping mall. Everything is incredibly superficial and there's barely anybody there (apart from the thumb twiddling staff) but that just adds to its charm. It was a winner for Isaac the minute he spotted a giant moving brachiosaurus and a t-Rex at the front. They even made him get over the taxi temper tantrum over his seatbelt that wouldn't click! Seaside City is about half an hour out of the centre, quite near to the airport. Our main reason for visiting this place was for its giant new aquarium but as we went inside, we realised there was so much more to offer- illuminated train ride, dinosaur park, children's ... read more
Bakery breakfast
'They're going to sing a song'

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 4th 2016

Geo: 30.67, 104.07After a never ending food hunt (Chengdu still wins no prizes for its food selection) we headed towards our old favourite 'jingli street.' This time we discovered a beautiful park next door that we hadn't found before. It was lovely to see some blossom trees. Jingli street was absolutely packed as it was the last day of the sweeping the tombs festival holiday. Trying to manoeuvre two buggies through the crowds was a challenge! I have to admire Isaac's stubbornness when moving through the crowds, hands over eyes shouting 'no photos!' Unfortunately for him, this makes him even more photo worthy to the many passerbys and his grumpy cross face is likely now adorning many a Chinese mantelpiece! In the evening, we went to watch a sichuan medley performance in a tea house featuring ... read more
Little jumping dragon
Time tunnel!

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 3rd 2016

Geo: 30.6632, 104.044Chinese parks are a huge amount of fun for young children (and their mummies!) We headed towards our old favourite park via the culture park. Isaac loved the 'bampoo' and collecting dinosaur leaves. Every time he was out of the pushchair, one of us was running after him, providing much entertainment for our ever present audience. We met up with Bill's cousin; Isaac's new best friend 'uncle.' Isaac is currently refusing to speak Chinese and is noticeably suffering from culture shock. He's commented on how everybody looks the same as him and daddy! However the bewilderment is easily cured with noodles!... read more

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 2nd 2016

Geo: 30.6632, 104.044Bill was banned from complicating the transfer from airport to hotel so we just got a metered taxi. A whole terrible 56rmb! I was amazed all the luggage and pushchairs fitted in. I had also made sure I'd prebooked the hotel to avoid the usual wandering around and this turned out to be a really good move. Great hotel ideally located with a beautiful courtyard. Just opposite is the culture park which we walked around in our quest to avoid jet lag. Lewis was the centre of a lot of attention. Strangely nobody has told us he's not wearing enough clothes yet! This may be because it seems to be a lot hotter this time but I like to think it's because we educated the city to our ways last time! It is however ... read more
The room
Feeding the fish

Asia » China » Sichuan » Chengdu April 1st 2016

Geo: 30.6632, 104.044Lewis took his first time on an aeroplane in his stride, smiling away at his fellow passengers. The overnight flight from Amsterdam to Chengdu proved to be a good bet again especially as we were upgraded to economy comfort right at the front with extra leg room. After a crazy few minutes in Amsterdam, Isaac fell straight asleep on the plane and didn't wake up until 20 minutes before landing. That was one family member ticked off! Lewis slept on and off but much preferred sitting on my lap to sleeping in the crib which was a bit too high up for him to see us from. Bill was the most hard work, deciding to take himself to a spare seat away from all of us so that he could get some sleep!! Thanks ... read more
Ready for take off
Our plane

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