Wandering Kahns' Guestbook

24th November 2012

voyage en train
Il faut beaucoup de courage ou de l'inconscience pour affronter tout ça, mais c'est pour la bonne cause. Finalement super expérience .!!!!!!
23rd November 2012

Hmmm, not the Orient Express of course .....
Well you have added "train ride" to your adventure list now that so many other kinds of transportation have been tested by all four of you. You probably learned something about each other in such close quarters for so many hours.... no? Perhaps it was all that sleeping you did? No wonder you are planning to fly to Chiang Mai! Love and good luck, Nonna
23rd November 2012

Fantastic account
Lea & co, loving the stories, photos and who knew you could be so whitty? :-) We miss you guys but love that you are having so much fun and what an experience! Keep the blogs coming and the photos. Tons of love and adventure Fiona & Simone
16th November 2012

One month
Has it been just a month? Feels like you've been gone forever. I so look forward to your updates, especially the pictures of Mimi and Sam.
13th November 2012
Turning local

turning local
super le petit "viet"
4th November 2012

Je vois avec plaisir que tout ce passe bien pour vous 4. Bravo pour les photos et les commentaires, je vous envie...non en réalité je suis jalouse comme un pou ! Bisous portez vous bien , take care !
3rd November 2012

Always looking forward to your stories...
Dears, glad there is another update coming out. We are enjoying every line and of course even more every picture! Wish we were there as well, but for now we will comfort ourselves with a taste you manage to share with us. And just to know, Una is following closely every step that Eva and Sam do :))) Lots of love from us, take good care of you, Suzana
3rd November 2012

Viet Nam from all sides
You are really doing a great job of seeing the country - from the land, from the sea, from the air -loved the shot of Sam and Eva on top of the hotel looking down on Saigon. It must be a lovely city. Hermann mentioned the baguettes when he visited back in the 1970's, what impressed you the most besides the European food opportunities? Trust the rest of the stay there will be equally revealing, enjoy!
21st October 2012

Cambodia - continued
Looks like the kids are having a super time. You all look happy and healthy. Thanks for the update. Love, The Clarks
21st October 2012
visiting a Kampot pepper plantation

Pepper from Kampot!
We have pepper from here!!! Gérard Vives, the big French spice specialist, travels there regularly to buy pepper and we order it online from him. You can taste some when you return home in Feb - if there is any left, it's such a delicacy!
14th October 2012

News de genève
Les amis, merci pour votre carnet de route qui nous a ravis, nous avions perdu le fil de vos découvertes étant nous même en voyage pour raisons pro... Nous revenons du mariage de Eiko et Roland et avons pensé à vous, qui êtes bien loin de cet évènement qui s'est avéré plus sympa que prévu. Nous étions assis avec Cindy et Roberto, son mari, et avons passé une bonne soirée, couchés à 2H du mat. Roland était rayonnant de bonheur!!! Autrement ici la routine, rien de bien exotique à vous raconter. Merci encore pour les photos et les textes, courage pour lutter contre les moustiques. Bises à toute la famille, Gillest et Jackie
From Blog: Encore Angkor
11th October 2012

Go Kahns!
Fantastic blog and beautiful images, guys. We will be tracking as your amazing adventure unfolds.
From Blog: Encore Angkor
10th October 2012

Bonjour de Paris
J'admire la qualité de tes photos et commentaires sur votre voyage. (Susan m'a fourni l'adresse de travelblog) Bonne continuation et bises à tous les quatre de Francine et Jamy.
10th October 2012

This is so great!! I am sending lots of love to you all. Take good care!! XOXO
10th October 2012

Bravo pour le redacteur en chef et pour le photographe. Je vois que la vie n'est pas trop dure pour vous. Profitez bien. papoun et mamoune
10th October 2012

It's such a treat to read your impressions of Cambodia, a very unknown place but apparently so interesting beyond the usual magnificence of Angkor Wat. Love the way you do the blog with lots of photos and the travel stats - both of these make it more real to those of us so far away from you and what you are experiencing. I'm sure others feel the same participation in your journey as we do!
From Blog: Encore Angkor
8th October 2012

Brilliant - your Bangkok to Cambodia experience brought back all the memories of the border chaos! Sounds like you are all having a wonderful time in the tropical heat and rain, while autumn is arriving here in the Alps! Keep exploring and adventuring, and enjoy your travels!
8th October 2012

J'adooooore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bises
5th October 2012

I love the story about being separated from the family by the boat pushing off and the bystanders coming to your rescue. Thanks for these great glimpses of your adventure. I flew back into Geneva this week and felt your absence very keenly as I passed Grand Saconnex. Hugs to all of you.
4th October 2012
Tuktuk no.2

Tuktuk it over to LA!
You guys are crazy lunatics and I love it. We are eating macaroni and cheese and living vicariously through you. xx
4th October 2012

Love every line :)
My dears! Just read every line and loved it...thanks for finding time to bring us closer to our adventures, feels like we are enjoying with you! Miss ya lots, Su&Co
4th October 2012
JT house 2

Soooooo gorgeous
OMG.....How much do I LOVE this picture of the kids. I can't stand it!!!!
4th October 2012
learning to bow

la vie est belle !!!!
trop belle et vous avez tout compris enjoy no limit
4th October 2012

Vos photos donnent vraiement bcp envie de voyager...ca a l'ai d'etre memorable deja!
4th October 2012

Children's Reactions
I'm curious to know what Eva and Sam have to say about the places they are seeing. What were their favorite parts of the Thai temples, for instance? I understand how they'd enjoy learning and practicing the wai gesture, it's so lovely and respectful and children pick up on those aspects quickly. What else did they find interesting? What are their favorite foods, besides pad thai of course! Do they connect with the local people who must look at them, talk to them, love their childish antics? Sam's blond hair is surely a hit.... and both of them are so at ease with strangers, or at least I think they are, is that still true when they are so surrounded by everyone strange to them? Hope they get to meet some other children somehow. Love, Nonna-who-misses-them-a-lot

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