Twag's Guestbook

1st January 2018
Castel dell'Ovo.

Location, location, location
Great location for a castle Thomas. What a beauty.
From Blog: Tag 3: Neapel
22nd December 2017

National Socialist Underground (NSU) trials
I had to look up what NSU trials were Thomas and I now understand. Zschäpe must answer charges of, inter alia, being a principal in ten murders and a serious arson and of being a member of a terrorist organization. Can you tell me how it can be that these trials have been heard since 2013 and are still not finalised? How often does the court sit?
22nd December 2017

One mistake (english language)
I made one mistake. I general every accused in Germany can have an appeal process. So the word is "appeal process", not "vocation". Unfortunately I am no law expert including English terms.
22nd December 2017

Remarks to trials
Hi Dave, First of all I would like to show you one site of process watchers. . They give information about possible visits and schedules. It seems that normally the court runs 3 days a week from around 09:30 to 14:30. This was my first and only visit to the court. Maybe it takes so long because there are so many lawyers of different parties involved. Maybe also because it is so complicated and because of the nature of the subject we and the court wants to ensure that everything is fine. I think that during the whole process the accused where already in jail because another judge decided that (in theory they could get compensation for that if found innocent but nobody thinks that will happen). Also involvement of the German secret service who in general watches the right extremist scene needs to be checked. At the beginning of the process the media attention was much higher but now this is reduced. I guess the process will only last a few more months as there are already the pleas. But in theory as in every western democracy the accused can go to vocation, I think, until to the highest court in Germany. Best regards, Thomas
25th November 2017
In der Altstadt mit dem Haus zum Aschaffenberg.

Love the pics in this blog Thomas. I've posted some in the Streetscapes thread and the Cathedrals thread in the Photography Forum. Keep 'em coming.
26th November 2017
In der Altstadt mit dem Haus zum Aschaffenberg.

Thanks a lot Dancing Dave
I hope the Tajik outlaws don't harm you.
12th November 2017
Waldspaziergang im Herbst.

Follow that Road
Really like this pic...makes me want to go down there
12th November 2017
Waldspaziergang im Herbst.

Automn in the forest
Some people would say there is too much rain and it is too cold but sometimes you have to take a walk in automn. You can't stay at home until april.
7th November 2017
Basilika Sankt Kastor.

Great pic Thomas. Posting it in Cathedrals, grand churches, mosques & places of worship thread in Photography Forum. Keep 'em coming.
7th November 2017
Basilika Sankt Kastor.

Thanks a lot Dancing Dave
Thanks a lot for your comment Dancing Dave. It is nice to get attention from such a famous traveller.
3rd March 2016

Kostenlos durch Kopenhagen
Die kleine Meerjungfrau habe ich mir tatsächlich gespart, weil ich von einigen Leuten gehört habe, die würde sich nicht lohnen. Aber dafür habe ich einige andere Dinge entdeckt, die kostenlos sind. Hier auf meinem Blog habe ich extra eine Karte mit allen Gratis-Dingen in Kopenhagen erstellt:
17th August 2014

hallo lieber thomas, mache weiter so schöne bilder und bis bald. noch einen schönen urlaub-bis bald und glg irene
17th August 2014

Hallo Irene
Hallo irene, werde ich machen. Tschüssi, Thomas
28th July 2014

Viele Views
Ausgerechnet dieser Blog-Eintrag über Ljubljana hat überdurchschnittlich viele Views (im Moment 50, mein zweitbeliebtester 33 oder so). Ich weiß gar nicht warum. Thomas Wagner
8th June 2014

Hallo Thomas, sehr informativer und unterhaltsamer Blog. Gefällt mir! Gerne mehr Bilder von den kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten ;-) Gute Reise weiterhin!
8th June 2014

Danke lieber Bruder! Viel Spass noch beim Kehren.
29th May 2014

noch eine schöne reise. lg deine tante :)
29th May 2014


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