Page 6 of Travel To Teach Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 20th 2012

Today was yet another beautiful, and sunny day in Goonellabah. For my lessons today, we continuted on with the snowy theme and I introducted the kiddos to the book "If You Give A Moose A Muffin" and it was a sucess. The kids made moose ears, and made their own "Flavors" of muffins. Very fun lesson for kids who would not typically talk about the snow, or learn about a moose. We continuted on with the puppy chow rage and introduced puppy chow to our coworkers at the center today and it was a big hit. When we first tell people "puppy chow" the reaction we get is "Gross I don't want to eat dog food", and than they try a bite, and are asking "What's the recipe?" I'm happy to say our puppy chow AND ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 19th 2012

Happy Tuesday to everyone. Lastnight Kelly and I decided to take dinner into our own American hands and make dinner for our host family. We made an "American" style meal which included grilled chicken, potatoes, brocoli, peppers, and cucumbers all baked in the oven, with sides of baked beans and gucamole/chips. We had quite the feast. Normally when we have dinner there's no more than two dishes on the dinner table. In our "American" meal, we beat that number two, showing Australians how much Americans eat. I suppose you could say we did a good job. For dessert we had scotcheroos. Scotcheroos (otherwises knowns as special K bars), are special K cereal with chocolate and peanut butter. It was fun to introduce this new dessert to the family, and they enjoyed it very much! Tonight we ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 18th 2012

Current location: Brisbane airport. We are camping out at Brisbane airport for our second time this weekend because our bus ride back to Lismore is at 6 am. My recommendation for sleeping in airports: Talk to the airport security guards; they know the best locations for sleeping in the airport. We got carpet, and an area in the airport where the lights turn off at night. (Typically for camping out at the airport it’s hard floor and bright lights with janitors cleaning the floor in the wee hours of the night.)A 5 stars sleeping arrangement. We flew into Cairnes on Friday morning, and upon our arrival we explored the area a bit, and found there was a Farmer’s market located right next to our hostel. The farmer’s market had a variety of fruit samples and I ... read more
The cruise

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 14th 2012

I'll be in Carins for the weekend. It's up in the air wheater or not I'll have access to internet, so don't be shocked if there is not a blog entry for a few days! Happy Weekend everyone :)... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 13th 2012

Currently watching: Finding Nemo Plans for the weekend: Great Barrier Reef! Could this be any more perfect? I reckon not. (Reckon...some more Aussie salng) The day was good, rainy on and off. The day sure did go fast though! Days get faster and faster, and time here is going really quick! It was the second day of my "Head Week" and I decided to get pretty crafty today with the kiddos. It was fun for the kids, met my objectives, and took up lots of time for my lesson so that's what matters! Aussie slang of the day: (you are lucky, there's two!) "Pram" is a strolle (as in a baby stroller) "Dibber dobber" is another word for "Tattle tale"....A teacher said to me today "We sure have a hand full of dibber dobbers at school ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 12th 2012

Happy first day of the week for me :) Today was my first day of my head week! With it being my first "head week", it's pretty similar to the past couple weeks other than I lead a few lessons and some songs. I read the children a book about snow and they were very interested in this! It's neat that the children are still aware of what snowpants, boots, mittens are when they don't ever need to use them. The title of my blog "Paper Airplanes" is because the Australian preschool children truly are fascinated with paper airplanes. The children enjoy flying, racing, and making the airplanes. It's a fun, creative experiment for 4 year olds. And rather cheap! I re-leanred how to make a paper airplane myself....(Yes, I forgot, and I hope all of ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales June 11th 2012

The weekend’s come and go much too fast at home, and here, the weekends come and go even faster. Our weekend in Gold Coast started off upon our arrival at 5 AM. It was rainy and cold, but Kelly and I still walked to the ocean side to watch the sunrise through the gray clouds. As the day went on the rain slowly lifted up, and I am sure it is because of the double rainbow we saw Saturday afternoon. In my previous blog, I wrote and uploaded the video of us running on the beach. While we sat in that McDonalds on Saturday morning, there must have been twenty runners go by in less than a half hour. Running must be a popular physical activity of choice in Gold Coast to keep your beach body ... read more
city on the beach
Ferris Wheel

Oceania » Australia » Queensland June 10th 2012

It's a fun weekend in Gold Coast, and we still have 1 night/1 day remaining! For now, here's a video to keep you folks on you folks on your toes with my blogs! This video was made shortly after my run on the beach.... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland June 8th 2012

Goodmorning! I apologize for missing my blog lastnight. I had a busy night of packing and getting things together for our weekend in the Gold Coast. Cureent location: Mcdonald's at Surfer's Paradise. We made it up to the Gold Coast this morinng at about 5:30 AM. We were lucky enough to get a free ride with a friend who we work with at our center. It was 4 am that we left, but a free ride is a free ride. Not to metion, I am now sitting in a Mcdonald's at oceanside, watching the sunrise. Well, watching the sun rise through the clouds. It's not the most beautiful sunrise but nonetheless, it's a oceanview sunrise. (Well I wrote this earlier this morning....) NOW, since the day has gone on, it's been very eventful and we have ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Norfolk Island June 7th 2012

The day was another rainy day in Goonellbah! We were inside all day with the children which makes the day seem to go a little slower, but it was still a good day! I must admit, one of the highlights of my day was the lunch served. We had pizza with fresh veggies on it from our wonderful chef. Our kitchen chef used to work at cafes with his mother, so, when I brag about how good of a chef/barrista he is, I truly mean it. This man's experienced. We're gourment style and spoiled at Netle In when it comes to the grub! I've noticed that a chunk of the children's songs here are sung in differnt variations, and today I was really happy to hear that over here in the land down unda, they believe ... read more

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